【BBCAN5】Big Brother Canada 加版第五季 Live Feeds 讨论帖 只看楼主 收藏 回复 a675974811 幕后黑手 14 a675974811 幕后黑手 14 今年没有After Dark 蘫納思蓓 上帝联盟 10 估计新人又要给屠了 美版不论是6个还是四个老人最后都是老人赢 贴吧用户_01674D5 成功洗白 13 前排 TaylorPhelan 成功...
【BBCAN8】~ Big Brother Canada 第八季 Live Feeds 讨论贴 ~ 只看楼主 收藏 回复 a675974811 幕后黑手 14 剧透 慎入 a675974811 幕后黑手 14 囧喵喵星人 婊无止境 12 来了 痰痰 幕后黑手 14 htp竟然是扛大旗的 OhBeb 我有干爹 11 求盛世美颜的Cast 王嘉尔的老公 金奖影后 15 前排 ...
【BBCAN/720P】 加拿大版 第九季 Big Brother Canada S9(CC字幕/更新至EP8) UP主: 1269925944#bilibili# http://t.cn/A6teh1Wh (哔哩哔哩客户端下载 http://t.cn/Ai1eB8sg)
The final HOH is a three part competition. The 2 losers of part 1 compete in part 2 the winner of part 1 and 2 compete in part 3. The winner of 2 parts gets to decide who to take to the final 2. The Big Brother Canada Awards – And the Award goes to… Best Godfrey speech –...
【BBCAN8】~ Big Brother Canada 第八季 Live Feeds 讨论贴 ~ 只看楼主 收藏 回复a675974811 幕后黑手 14 剧透 慎入 a675974811 幕后黑手 14 囧喵喵星人 婊无止境 12 来了 痰痰 幕后黑手 14 htp竟然是扛大旗的 AriBeb 上帝联盟 10 求盛世美颜的Cast 王嘉尔的老公 幕后黑手 14 ...
Since the epic old discussion thread is gone forever. There is currently a countdown on the feeds over at the CBS website, so it looks like they'll go live after the premiere ends on the west coast.
* CBS may temporarily interrupt the live feeds; e.g. during preparation for that night's show, during houseguest challenges, and to perform nightly camera maintenance (typically between 4 and 6 am PT) Big Brother Live Feeds are provided directly by Paramount+ (former CBS All Access). ...
Big Brother Canada 4 Final POV results 68 thoughts to “Big Brother Canada 4 Final POV results” Nick wins the POwer of Veto Big Brother POV WinnerCassandra ShahinfarJoel LefevreKelsey FaithLive Feed UpdateNick PaquettePhilippe PaquetteTim DormerUpdated...
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