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After cycling through a series of names, including the Rattlesnake Boys and the Bugeaters, the football program was dubbed the Cornhuskers in 1899. In the 125 years since, the Cornhuskers have won five NCAA national championships. The women's volleyball program has dominat...
一般来说,各位对于 NIKE 的认知还是停留在鞋履当中,数量庞大的设计鞋款以及联名合作都是直接性的话题保障。 不过在服饰单品上,NIKE 确实在本季开始前大火了一把,其中推出的 Big Swoosh 系列搭配感相当强势。不过在最近几次的配色更新当中,该系列也发布了多款单品出现。今日官方更是带来全新设计,其中涵盖了红色、绿...
After cycling through a series of names, including the Rattlesnake Boys and the Bugeaters, the football program was dubbed the Cornhuskers in 1899. In the 125 years since, the Cornhuskers have won five NCAA national championships. The women's volleyball program has dominat...