this month. I have had some soreness in my hips and knee, so I trying to find out if I am going to far too soon. A coach in my running group said I needed to take 48 hours off from running and give my body some rest. It was hard after finding some new routes on different ...
When the body goes through extreme stress—like lifting massive amounts of weight—things can, well, come up. During a deadlift competition, female weightlifter Brianna Otto pushed her body so hard that she began vomiting mid-lift. To her credit, she didn't drop the bar. Michael Beasley ...
Might as well get the worst of the worst out of the way. Thissmegmawith a Twitter account has yet to delete this sweet meme. If you look at Tylor’s timeline, you’ll see he’s doubling down on everything he says. Please give him my best. He already blocked me for thistweet. Whe...
I’ve massively succeeded. I feel more comfortable in my body, I love the way I look, and I have pretty boundless energy. The difference? When I hired a trainer, I told myself, “I’m not the kind of person who exercises on her own.” ...
Me:So we had to putBubbato sleep. Justin:What happened? Me:The doctor started squeezing him and he popped his bladder or something. Victor was all “I think he done broke our cat” and it turned out that, yeah, he did. But it was going to happen anyway. He had some kind of pers...
legs while seated on an airplane. As a bonus, there was no one sitting next to me so I had the whole row to myself. Sometimes it’s just the little things in life that can make a 5 am Monday morning cross country flight just a little bit more enjoyable, even on less than three ...
And when I do awaken, my body feels rested and ready for the day. Air conditioning, while providing cool, doesn’t provide that same clean, fresh air satisfaction. I love fresh air nights. Posted on June 9, 2019 Little Debbie I am taking a snack to family weekend in celebration of ...
Romney, in his inimitable skill of finding a flip-floppery way to answer any question, has managed to find a middle road on the whole cut-public-broadcasting-and-those-liberals-on-NPR meme. Advertising on Sesame Street. When asked about how he would change funding for PBS and other governm...
Which is completely true, but the point is that they wouldn’t be there unless they had already demonstrated that nobody has to tell them what to write because they are going say the right thing. If they had started off at the Metro desk, or something, and had pursued the wrong kind ...
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