The Great Bell of the Clock is located in the Elizabeth Tower, 57 stands in Westminster, London. The construction of this 58 (history) heritage was completed in 1859. Originally, the tower was known simply as the Clock Tower, but in 2012, its official name 59 (change) to Elizabeth...
谁能帮我翻译一下"伦敦大本钟"的资料.英语哦.大本钟(Big Ben,坐标51°30'O2.2'N,OO°O7'28.6'' ,或称大笨钟,即威斯敏斯特宫(Palace of Westminster)钟塔,英国国会会议厅附属的钟楼(Clock Tower)的大报时钟的昵称.位于威斯敏斯特桥的南面桥头,与英国议会大厦相连,英国议会大厦的北角,钟楼高79米,钟楼四面的...
Big Ben,直译为“大本钟”,是英国伦敦的标志性景点之一,特指位于英国伦敦西敏寺钟楼的伊丽莎白塔(原名大本钟)里的大钟。这座钟楼及其内的大钟不仅是伦敦的象征,也是英国文化的重要代表。 二、Big Ben的其他称谓 除了“大本钟”这一常见称呼外,Big Ben还被人们亲切地称为“The ...
big_ben英国伦敦大本钟_英文介绍 maintenance[‘meintinəns]维修 TheGreatBell,firststruckthehouronJuly11,1859,andhasbeeninterruptedonlystopformaintenanceandbadweathereversince.anniversary[͵æni'və:səri](周年纪念)chime[t∫aim](报时)BigBen,oneofLondon'smostfamiliarlandmarks,seenhereinMarch2009...
Big Ben, one of London's most familiar landmarks, 大本钟,伦敦非常著名的地标之一, The Great Bell, first struck the hour on July 11,1859, and has been interrupted only stop for maintenance and bad weather ever since. 本钟自1859年7月...
London’s Big Ben Big Ben is in fact the name of the clock’s big bell inside the tower. The clock is striking clock. A hammer strikes(敲打,撞击)Big Ben on the hour and 【小题1】(make)it ring. On the quarter hours, the same thing happens to the four smaller 【小题2】(bell)ar...
大本钟(Big Ben,坐标:51°30′02.2″N,00°07′28.6″W),或称大笨钟,即威斯敏斯特宫(Palace of Westminster)钟塔,英国国会会议厅附属的钟楼 (Clock Tower) 的大报时钟的昵称.位于威斯敏斯特桥的南面桥头,与英国议会大厦相连,英国议会大厦的北角,钟楼高79米,钟楼四面的圆形钟盘,直径为6.7米,是伦敦的传统地标....
BigBen,oneofLondon'smostfamiliarlandmarks,seenhereinMarch2009,celebratesthe150thanniversaryofitsfirstchimingonSaturday.大本钟,伦敦非常著名的里程碑之一,于上周六迎来了它首次报时以来的第150个生日。maintenance[‘meintinəns]维修 TheGreatBell,firststruckthehouronJuly11,1859,andhasbeeninterruptedonlystopfor...
Big Ben 大笨钟 Big Ben is a giant clock tower in London,England.It was built in 1858. 大笨钟是英国伦敦的一座巨大的钟楼,建于1858年。 The real name of Big Ben is The Clock Tower,but the nickname is more popular. 大笨钟的真名是钟楼,但它的昵称更受欢迎。