📍 伦敦地铁 伦敦的地铁标志性logo,在英剧里经常看到,代表着伦敦的独特魅力。📍 苏格兰风笛手 街边吹风笛的苏格兰人,那独特的笛声让人联想到《唐顿庄园》,真的非常好听。📍 The Shard 伦敦最高的建筑,被称为摘星塔,我更喜欢这个名字,充满了诗意。📍 伦敦眼 伦敦眼不用多说,比想象中要新,可能是因...
Big Ben 是伦敦的标志性建筑之一,很多人以为 Big Ben 是整个塔的名字,但其实 Big Ben 指的是塔上的大钟🔔,而不是建筑本身。这个有趣的误解是不是很常见呢?🏛️ 历史悠久 Big Ben 所在的塔是威斯敏斯特宫的一部分,建于1859年,高度达316英尺(约96米)。这座高塔屹立了一个多世纪,是伦敦和英国的象征,...
At Big Ben, clock-keepers have no such space-age technology to ensure the famous clock is in tune with the rest of the world.Instead they use a stack of old pennies to accurately balance the clock mechanism. Big Ben clock keeper Steve Jaggs has already placed an old penny on the mechan...
It's Big Ben!“大本钟”(Big Ben)是伦敦的象征,凡到伦敦旅游观光的人,都想去参观大本钟。我们可以站在伦敦桥上欣赏这个独具一格的建筑物。There is a very big clock in London, UK. Itsnickname(昵称)is Big Ben. In 1859, Sir BenjaminHall was in charge of(负责) building this clock. Itmay ...
Parts of the UK's Big Ben were revealed as workers began removing the scaffolding that has covered it since its restoration. More of the newly restored spire will be revealed over the next five weeks. The tower, a Grade-1 UNESCO World Heritage Site, is just over halfway through a four-...
在泰晤士河畔聆听Big Ben的钟声 🌞终于迎来了大本钟的修复,选择了一个阳光明媚的日子,终于拍到了与大本钟和伦敦眼的合影。你说我比大本钟还笨?那要怎么比呢?我从未爱过你,怎么会想念你?🍃高中时代,每天放学时在耳机里循环播放的歌,在这一天终于边看着大本钟边听了,仿佛回到了那个充满回忆的时光……...
大本钟为何被称为Big Ben? 🕰️ Big Ben,这个名字大家可能再熟悉不过了,它其实是指伦敦威斯敏斯特宫北端大钟的巨型钟摆,位于英国伦敦的威斯敏斯特宫。这个名字经常被用来指代这座钟和它的钟楼。 🏰 官方名称的变迁:钟楼的官方名称最初是“Clock Tower”,但在2012年,为了庆祝伊丽莎白二世的钻石禧年,它被更名为...
少儿英语故事:Big Ben大本钟 Big Ben Big Ben is not the name of a man. It is a name of the clock. It is in London. Londonis the capital city of England. The big clock has four faces. So no matter where youstand, you can read the face of the clock. The hands are about four ...
At precisely 11:00 GMT, Big Ben will sound 11 times, with a strike rate of 4.5 seconds, replicating the usual strike rate of the Great Clock. At 12:30, Big Ben will strike a further 11 times, joining bells across Britain and worldwide to commemorate the centenary of the Armistice, mar...
Big Ben to sound again 翻新大本钟新年再敲钟 Britain's Big Ben bell in parliament's landmark clock tower will ring at midnight on New Year's Eve, marking the start of a year for the first time since its restore...