Snow Summit和Bear Mountain Ski Resort滑雪胜地提供南加州最好的滑雪和单板滑雪体验。这两座当地山脉提供超过 400 英亩的地形,适合初学者到专家。 滑雪者和骑手可以使用 26 部缆车,进入超过 55 条专用于修饰区和地形公园的雪道。 02 雪上摩托和雪地车 在大熊湖的雪地上尽情体验刺激的雪上摩托和雪地车活动。 租用...
🎿 自从来到美国,Big Bear Lake滑雪场成了每年必去的地方!疫情后,Airbnb房价飙升,幸运的是,我们订到了一间离滑雪场仅两步之遥的木屋,地理位置超赞!虽然房子内部设施简单,但位置绝对加分。🏨 滑雪场要求游客佩戴口罩借装备,但真正滑起来时,戴口罩的人就不多了。建议提前购买滑雪票,这样上山后就能避免排队的烦恼。
大熊湖 (Big Bear Lake) 海拔 6,759 英尺/2,060 米,是一处高山游乐中心,冬季可滑雪,夏季可在著名的 Snow Summit 和 Bear Mountain 的山地骑行、远足。高耸的山峰环抱着大熊湖,杰克松树林沿湖而生,湖光闪烁,湖上有机动船只和人力船只,是广受欢迎的游乐场所。秃鹰冬天在大熊湖栖息,参加 Big Bear Discovery Cen...
Check out Get Boards, a premier Big Bear Lake snowboards, skis, and gear rental shop. Buy your own gear online or get equipment rentals at great rates!
Tour de Big Bear Check-In and Late Registration Time: 12 pm to 9 pm | Location: Snow Summit Big Bear Cycling Expo and Beer Garden Time: 12 pm to 9 pm | Location: Snow Summit Poker Ride The Tour de Big Bear Poker Ride will begin at Snow Summit and go around the lake. Multiple st...
Welcome to #YourMountainLakeEscape - Explore hiking, golfing, tours, stargazing and more in Big Bear Lake, CA Forest Closure Updates Big Bear'swinterslopes and terrain parks atSnow Summit and Bear Mountainare a haven for skiers and snowboarders. But, there's more to Big Bear than its ski ...
Big Bear Lake 是一个冬季滑雪胜地,拥有两个度假村:Big Bear Mountain Resort 和 Snow Summit Mountain Resort。这两个度假村提供全套滑雪道和缆车,并于12月1日至31日期间提供免费的滑雪和单板滑雪课程。7天住宿价格为每人1500美元,包含滑雪/单板滑雪设备、一流的住宿和所有餐食。此外,还有针对儿童、情侣和团队的优...
Plan a visit to Big Bear Lake, California with our Official Travel Guide. Find information about things to do, places to stay, upcoming events and so much more.
United States California (CA) Big Bear Region Big Bear Lake Things to Do in Big Bear Lake Big Bear Lake ToursSee all things to do Snow Summit to Los Angeles Airpor: Departure Private Transfer Snow Summit to Los Angeles Airpor: Departure Private Tran...
如果你从东边大熊湖(Big Bear Lake)滑雪回来一路向西,记得稍作停留,欣赏洛杉矶的夜景哦![爱你]Photo: elcuervovolardo #加州夜色# #加州滑雪季# #加州冬日#