🎿 自从来到美国,Big Bear Lake滑雪场成了每年必去的地方!疫情后,Airbnb房价飙升,幸运的是,我们订到了一间离滑雪场仅两步之遥的木屋,地理位置超赞!虽然房子内部设施简单,但位置绝对加分。🏨 滑雪场要求游客佩戴口罩借装备,但真正滑起来时,戴口罩的人就不多了。建议提前购买滑雪票,这样上山后就能避免排队的烦恼。
如果你从东边大熊湖(Big Bear Lake)滑雪回来一路向西,记得稍作停留,欣赏洛杉矶的夜景哦![爱你]Photo: elcuervovolardo #加州夜色# #加州滑雪季# #加州冬日#
大熊湖 (Big Bear Lake) 海拔 6,759 英尺/2,060 米,是一处高山游乐中心,冬季可滑雪,夏季可在著名的 Snow Summit 和 Bear Mountain 的山地骑行、远足。高耸的山峰环抱着大熊湖,杰克松树林沿湖而生,湖光闪烁,湖上有机动船只和人力船只,是广受欢迎的游乐场所。秃鹰冬天在大熊湖栖息,参加 Big Bear Discovery Cen...
Big Bear Lake skiing is popular in the winter months. Big Bear ski resorts include Snow Summit, Bear Mountain Resort and Snow Valley. You can rent ski and snowboarding gear if needed. Try the Alpine Slide at Magic Mountain for a fun bobsled ride. It’s your choice, Snow Summit, Bear Mo...
big bear Lake 大熊湖滑雪日记 #大熊湖滑雪日记# April. 四月 | 2021.4.5 星期一 ◽️不要因为走得太远,而忘了我们为什么出发 ◽️◽️◽️◽️◽️◽️◽️◽️◽️◽️◽️◽️◽️◽️◽️◽️◽️ 四月初,听说准备封山了,赶紧约起小伙伴,...
今年的圣诞🎄是在big bear lake过的! 本来打算带着糖糖看她人生中第一场大雪的,然而等了好几天并没有等来,本天真以为就算没有下雪也有积雪能玩一玩,结果只有雪场零星一些人工雪!所以我们一家去big bear赶了个秋!哈哈哈🤣 在Airbnb订了名宿,超级舒服的小独栋,下次一定要趁着下大雪去住几晚!
Big Bear Lake (big bear Lake) surrounding one of the most famous ski place is Los Angeles. In the winter, under General Los Angeles after the rain, there will be snow in the mountains of big bear Lake. Plus, big bear Lake, the resort added a snow-making machines, no matter how brig...
地址:40989 Big Bear Blvd PO Box 3553 Big Bear Lake, CA 92315 電話:909-866-7887 延伸閱讀: 四天三夜行程規劃 Day 1:美麗的大熊湖畔/ 有趣的青年旅館International Travelers House以及溫馨可愛的小木屋ITH Big Bear Mountain Adventure Lodge Day 2:童話森林般的Meadows Edge Park/ Aspen Glen Picnic Area滑雪...
Looking for things to do in Big Bear, CA? Find exciting family-friendly activities and can't miss attractions sure to keep you entertained in every season.
Snow Summit and Bear Mountain are OPEN. Tubing is OPEN. Great restaurants. Enjoy the village.. […] 10 Ways To Enjoy Winter In Big Bear Top 10 ways to enjoy Winter in Big Bear Big Bear Lake is a great 4 season town and right now it’s winter! Now is a great time to enjoy [...