It all started with the big bang!一切从大爆炸开始!It all started with the big BANG!一切从大爆炸开始!
歌曲名《Big Bang Theory Theme》,别名《《生活大爆炸》主题曲》,由 Barenaked Ladies 演唱,收录于《Hits From Yesterday & The Day Before》专辑中,《Big Bang Theory Theme》下载,《Big Bang Theory Theme》在线试听,更多Big Bang Theory Theme相关歌曲推荐,尽在网
歌曲名《The Big Bang Theory Theme》,别名《《生活大爆炸》主题曲》,由 Barenaked Ladies 演唱,收录于《The Big Bang Theory Theme》专辑中,《The Big Bang Theory Theme》下载,《The Big Bang Theory Theme》在线试听,更多The Big Bang Theory Theme相关歌曲推荐,
The Big Bang Theory Theme 主题曲歌词 Our whole universe was in a hot dense state, 宇宙一度又烫又稠密 Then nearly fourteen billion years ago expansion started. Wait... 140亿年前终于爆了炸等着瞧... The Earth began to cool, 地球开始降温 The autotrophs began to drool, 自养生物来起哄 ...
The Bing Bang Theory Theme - Bare Naked Ladies 歌词:Our whole universe was in a hot dense state,Then nearly fourteen billion years ago expansion started. Wait...The Earth began to cool,The autotrophs began to drool,Neanderthals developed tools,We built a wall (we built the ...
would really have been sick of us南方古猿肯定不爽我们Debati ng out while here theyre catchi ng deer (were catching viruses)匕下而求索百度4在他们捉鹿时唧唧歪歪(我们现在捉电脑病毒了)Religion or astronomy, Encarta, Deuteronomy宗教天文 e 百科旧约申命记It all started with the big bang!一切...
It all started with the big BANG!一切从大爆炸开始It's expanding ever outward but one day宇宙向外膨胀但有一天It will cause the stars to go the other way,星球会反方向运动Collapsing ever inward, we won't be here, it wont be hurt向内坍塌反正我们不在了不 TheBigBangTheoryThemeSong【生活大...
the big bang theory(生活大爆炸主题曲歌词) 下载积分:2000 内容提示: Our whole universe was in a hot dense state, Then nearly fourteen billion years ago expansion started. Wait... The Earth began to cool, The autotrophs began to drool, Neanderthals developed tools, We built a wall (we bu...