《生活大爆炸(The Big Ba》ng Theory)是一部情景喜剧,首播于2007年,2019年落幕,共12季。主要人物有谢尔顿.库柏(Sheldon Cooper),加州理工学院的理论物理学家,莱纳德.李奇.霍夫斯塔特(Leonard Leakey Hof…
现在David在朋友的鼓励下,开始在博客上讲述《The Big Bang Theory》背后的科学:http://thebigblogtheory.wordpress.com/他本人的研究领域最接近Leonard,在南极地区释放高空气球来寻找超高能宇宙线发出的齐仑科夫辐射,以寻找中微子。能量高于100TeV的超高能宇宙线的起源一直是物理学中的一道难题:http://www.physics.ucl...
The Big Bang Theory offers a unique opportunity to explore the representations of female scientists within the situation comedy. This article first discusses the representations of scientists across media genres, highlighting the differences created by the situation comedy. Focusing on Bernadette and Amy,...
加拿大皇家科学研究院宣布授予生活大爆炸(The Big Bang Theory)创作人Chuck Lorre和Bill Prady“名誉院士”的称号,以表彰他们“对传播科学知识和科学理念所作出的杰出贡献”。 The Big Bang Theory's creators have been awarded honourary membership to The Royal Canadian Institute for the Advancement of Science....
big bang theory Thesaurus Financial Acronyms Encyclopedia n. A scientific theory describing the origin of all space, time, matter, and energy approximately 13.7 billion years ago from the violent expansion of a singular point of extremely high density and temperature. ...
The Big Bang Theory is defined as a successful description of the evolution of the Universe based on solid observational foundations, explaining the origin and growth of structures like galaxies through primordial perturbations and gravitational instability. ...
When geologist Bert won a MacArthur Genius Grant, Sheldon was overcome with feelings of jealousy. As he struggled to deal with his toxic feelings, he repeatedly injured himself. Sheldon’s friends contacted Stephen Hawking to help Sheldon understand that even the greatest scientists occasionally have...
那就是科学喜剧——《生活大爆炸》。也许你听到“科学”二字,心中会有这样的疑问:中文的科学知识都不一定能看得懂,更何况是英文? 莫慌!其实这部剧,除了个别专有名词外,台词都十分日常。既贴近生活又有好玩的知识科普。 剧情主线是一群天才科学家和普通女孩佩妮的生活日常。这些智商超群的科学家们,在生活中却各有...
语法填空The Big Bang theory is science's best explanation of how the universe began. The theory insists that our universe 1.(create) when a tiny and super-hot mass exploded and began expanding very rapidly. It2.(final) cooled and formed into the stars and galaxies(银河系) with 3.we are...