刚好《The big bang》里面那一集(Season 8, Episode 16)我也看了,Sheldon拉着Penny一起做的测试。这个心理学实验的名称叫做“To Fall in Love With Anyone, Do This”,整场测试总共含有36个问题,需要1小时左右。期间互相询问对方...
big bang theory The idea that the universe began with an explosion 13–20 billion years ago. According to the theory, formulated in 1927, the universe is still expanding. It is now obsolete to some extent.Comparesteady state theory.
生活大爆炸 第十季 The Big Bang Theory Season 10 第24集 异地恋的烦恼 全片播放 本集中文名: 异地恋的烦恼 本集原名: The Long Distance Dissonance 播放时间: 2017-05-11 星期四 (当地时间)剧情简介: The gang is concerned when Sheldon's former admirer, Dr. Ramona Nowitzki, resurfaces while ...
What are some unanswered questions or challenges to the Big Bang theory? The Big Bang Theory is the prevailing cosmological model explaining the origin of the universe. It posits that approximately 13.8 billion years ago, the universe began as an infinitely hot and dense state, expanding rapidly....
I love RNAi but I do not own DRNA because they seem to be a me too co. Unlike ARWR, they have really done nothing on their own or tried to push the boundaries of their science. Instead they seem to just look for partners to work with for a specific target. In a nutshell they ...
自己是先看的《小谢尔顿》,之后再看《生活大爆炸》时,感觉相当不适应。因为在《小谢尔顿》里,谢尔顿满心满眼都是科学,充满了强烈的求知欲,还有洁癖,整个… 阅读全文 赞同 1 添加评论 分享 收藏 《生活大爆炸》中sheldon为什么允许Penny一而再再而三的蹭自己家里的WIFI?
Every 'The Big Bang Theory' Season Ranked By Audiences From Least to Most Liked 1/9/2025 by Just Jared Just Jared “He carried the last season”: Even With Jim Parsons, The Big Bang Theory Would’ve Been a Snoozefest Without 1 Character Who Even Outshone Kaley Cuoco ...
14生活大爆炸一到五季口语精髓iBiGBANGTHEORY174;CBS1. reach an impasse 遭遇窘境2. childhood issues 童年的问题3. be a natural at something 擅长做某事4
Leonard:i would love to.我是愿意去,但... would time:过去将来 i’m just about to do yoga with Penny. be about to do 这个固定短语体现了to表达将来时间的特性。 be going to中的to也有这个特性。 Sheldon: i was robbed 我被洗劫一空