Big Bang Theory 第一季8集: The Dumpling Paradox -Sheldon:Damn you,! -Leonard: Problem? -Sheldon:The online description was completely misleading. They said eightslots, plusremovableID. 夹缝,夹槽 抽取式 To any rational person, that would mean room for nine cards, but they don...
Today at work, I found out I find I am going to meet Bill. H: Sorry, L, you and penny have had a good run. P: I am Not leaving him for Bill. L: Are you sure? I bet it is his Internet’s really fast. A: How does did this happen? P: Well, on the condition, his foun...
比如,stare和介词at搭配构成词组stare at sb.时,就表示“盯着某人看”。另外一个关于stare的常用词组stare sb. in the face就很帅气了,千万不要认为这是“盯着某人的脸”的意思。先举个例子:The answer had been staring him in the face. 这句话的意思很简...
Billy Bang long ago earned his reputation as an engaging leader and violin soloist in avant-garde circles. Luckily that has not stifled his abilities and ambition to play in more straight-ahead settings as he does on Big Bang Theory. Bang's assembled drummer Codaryl Moffett, pianist Alexis Po...
Take the theory of the Big Bang. How is it possible that all of the stuff in the universe comes from an explosion? That’s no better than Atlas carrying the globe on his back or African myths about turtles and stuff. A: Turtles? Whatever... Look, all that’s required for the ...
(。・∀・)ノ゙嗨,大家好啊。很高兴又能和大家一起看美剧学英语。这次的美剧节选自《生活大爆炸》,希望大家在从中获得乐趣的同时能学到一些日常口语的用法。 Big Bang Theory 剧情介绍 该剧讲述的是四个宅男科学家和一个美女邻居的一系列生活琐事。一个美女...
1. Spoiler alert - 剧透警告;别剧透!! S04 E09 Friend - 加好友 S04 E10 1. 73 is best number 73 是第 21 个质数 - 71 is the 21st prime number 反过来 37 是第 12 个质数 - Its mirror, 37, is the 12th 再反过来,21 是构成 73 的两个数字,也就是 7 和 3 的乘积 - and Its mirror...
big bang theory Thesaurus Financial Acronyms Encyclopedia n. A scientific theory describing the origin of all space, time, matter, and energy approximately 13.7 billion years ago from the violent expansion of a singular point of extremely high density and temperature. ...
生活大爆炸 The Big Bang Theory 1-12季 1080P 高清 中英双语字幕 美剧 喜剧 / 爱情 2020-2022,历时三年终于看完了整整十二季的The Bigbang theory,始于疫情终于疫情,也希望再也不要有疫情了。 看到最后真的像大多数人的观点一样,给的真的就是情怀分,还是前几季最好看。 唉,终究还是结束了,有些不舍……...