big-bang theory Thesaurus Encyclopedia n (Astronomy)acosmologicaltheorypostulatingthatapproximately12billionyearsagoallthematteroftheuniverse,packedintoasmallsuperdensemass,washurledinalldirectionsby acataclysmicexplosion.Asthefragmentssloweddown,thegalaxiesandstarsevolvedbuttheuniverseisstillexpanding.Comparesteady-state...
noun(Astronomy, Cosmology)The theory that the known universe originated in an explosive event (thebig bang) in which all of the matter and energy of the universe was contained in a single point and began to rapidly expand and evolve, starting as high-energy particles and radiation, and, as...
Big Bang Theory - astronomy.
In a way, the big bang theory came as a result of backwards engineering. Some people had a real problem with this theory. Among them was the famous physicist Albert Einstein. Einstein subscribed to the belief that the universe was static. A static universe doesn't change. It has always ...
Religion or astronomy, Encarta, Deuteronomy 宗教 天文 电子百科 旧约申命记 It all started with the big bang! 一切从大爆炸开始 Music and mythology, Einstein and astrology 音乐 神话 爱因斯坦 占星术 It all started with the...
Some cosmologists use the big bang theory to estimate the age of the universe. But due to different measurement techniques, not all cosmologists agree on the actual age. In fact, the range spans more than a billion years! The discovery that the universe is expanding led to another question....
DenisPuy,MoniqueSignore, inNew Astronomy Reviews, 1999 The abundances of light elements are supposed to constitute one of the principal pieces of evidence in support in theBig Bang theory. Because the standard model of Big Bang nucleosynthesis involves virtually no very short-lived nuclei, the nucl...
Optical and radio astronomy complemented each other in the discovery of the quasars and the radio galaxies. It is believed that the energy reaching us now from some of these objects was emitted not long after the creation of the universe. Further evidence for the big-bang theory was the ...
religion:宗教 astronomy:天文学 Encarta:百科全书 Deuteronomy:申命 记 It all started with the big bang! Music and mythology, Einstein and astrology mythology:神话,神话学 Einstein:爱因斯坦[物理学家] astrology:占星术, 占星学 It all started with the big bang! It all started with the big ...
The Big Bang Theory is a theory that seeks to explain the beginning of the universe. Discover how the universe and its galaxies were formed and...