Another put aerospace engineer Howard on a Russian Soyuz spacecraft and, later, a model of the International Space Station along with real-life astronaut Mike Massimino. Additional resources Discover more about CMB on NASA's webpage on putting the Big Bang theory to the test. NASA has also ...
- It is "philosophy", not science, that makes the big-bang claim that the universe has no center - Amassing evidence suggests the universe may have a center - Sun missing nearly 100% of the spin that natural formation would impart - Supernova theory for the origin of heavy elements now...
Wow. If each of these electron-positron dipoles create energy, and they are nested within each other like Russian dolls all over the universe, then there must be an infinite amount of energy within the zero point field. Moreover, physicist Bearden is telling us that the quantum vacuum is a...
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At the start of the big bang this flow may have been almost infinitely fast which is why it makes no sense to say the Universe began 14.5 billion years ago. Reply GrahamInSpace I agree. It's far more likely that the universe is infinitely old. All this dark energy talk. Why is...
Good science is a collaborative process. The rule here: Science Never Sleeps. Another rule here: Scientists "invent" nothing. Instead scientists "discover". Everything which is now fact was fact shortly after the Big Bang.From The California Institute of Technology:“DNA Origami Suggests Route ...
Another big surprise about our universe comes from actual data from the WMAP (Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe) spacecraft which has been studying the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) the “echo” of the Big Bang. “The WMAP snapshot of how the early universe looked shows it to be hot...
A careful listen of Narrow Line invokes an ephemeral sense of place—whether real or imagined—inviting us to take comfort in the infinite possibilities of life, whether or not we ever choose to settle down. The driving force behind this band is – and has always been – the commitment to...
The Big Bang theory says that our universe began as a point of infinite gravity and density called a singularity. Then, in a trillionth of a trillionth of a trillionth of a second, it exploded outward, doubling and re-doubling and re-doubling in size at a rate faster than the speed ...