The Winners and Losers from Bank Deregulation in the United States, Beck et al., JoF, 2010 论文主要内容 摘要首句交代文章的主要目的,评估美国银行业放松规制对收入分配的影响;然后简单交代放松规制的背景和影响。接下来是使用的政策冲击,即不同州放松规制的时间节点不同;以及政策冲击带来的效应,增加了中等收...
在金融研究领域,一篇名为 "Big Bad Banks: The Winners and Losers from Bank Deregulation in the United States" 的经典论文备受关注。该论文发表于2010年,作者Beck、Levine和Levkov通过多期双重差分(DID)方法,探讨了美国银行业放松管制对收入分配的影响。研究发现,1976年至2006年间,银行放松管制...
THE JOURNAL OF FINANCE•VOL. LXV, NO. 5•OCTOBER 2010Big Bad Banks? The Winners and Losersfrom Bank Deregulation in the United StatesTHORSTEN BECK, ROSS LEVINE, and ALEXEY LEVKOV∗ABSTRACTWe assess the impact ofbank deregulation on the distribution ofincome in the UnitedStates. From the ...
2010. “Big Bad Banks? The Winners and Losers from Bank Deregulation in the United States.” Journal of Finance 65 (5): 1637–67. Link, Ross Levine 主页, Data & Prog, PDF 温馨提示: 文中链接在微信中无法生效。请点击底部「阅读原文」。
Beck T, Levine R, Levkov A (2010) Big bad banks? The winners and losers from bank deregulation in the United States. J Finance 65(5):1637–1667Beck, Thorsten, Ross Levine, and Alexey Levkov, "Big Bad Banks? The Winners and Losers from Bank Deregulation in the United States,"The ...
THE JOURNAL OF FINANCE • VOL. LXV, NO. 5 • OCTOBER 2010 Big Bad Banks? The Winners and Losers fromBank Deregulation in the United States THORSTEN BECK, ROSS LEVINE, and ALEXEY LEVKOV ∗ ABSTRACT We assess the impact of bank deregulation on the distribution of income in the United ...
big bad banks the winners and losers from bank deregulation in the united states 热度: Bank efficiency, market development and institutional environment_ Evidence from Chinese banks 热度: Hackers_and_Painters_-_Big_Ideas_from_the_Computer_Age ...
5 ? OCTOBER 2010 Big Bad Banks? The Winners and Losers from Bank Deregulation in the United States THORSTEN BECK, ROSS LEVINE, and ALEXEY LEVKOV? ABSTRACT We assess the impact of bank deregulation on the distribution of income in the United States. From the 1970s through the 1990s, most ...
《Big Bad Banks? The Winners and Losers from Bank Deregulation in the United States》是一篇研究多期DID的经典文献,主要考察美国银行放松管制对收入不平等关系弱化的影响。计量经济圈推文曾发表过“多期DID的经典文献big bad banks数据和do文件”还原了文章的数据分析部分,本文通过梳理文章的理论脉络,旨在展现文章...
各位计量经济圈社群的群友,咱们的SevenZ群友已经把多期双重差分法的经典文献“The big bad Banks? The Winners and Losers from Bank Deregulation in the United States.”放在了计量经济圈社群。 如果你还不熟悉什么是多期双重差分法,那么可以看看下面这两篇历史文章。我们平时总会遇到政策出台时间不一致的情形,即...