Bisexuality; Five-factor model; Heterosexuality; Homosexuality; OCEAN; Personality traits – Big Five; Sexual attraction; Sexual orientation – sexual desireDefinitions Personality has several possible definitions. In this chapter, the personality model used is the one called Big Five personality traits ...
TAIPersonalityTraitsacrosstheBig5AlignedwithWorkrelatedCompetencies •OpennesstoExperience:1.Flexibility,2.Creativity,3.AnalyticalApproach,4.Self-Reliant •Conscientious:5.PersonalReliability,6.CareerFocus,7.FollowingUp,8.Self-Starter,9.DetailOrientation,10.Trust&Integrity,11.Planning&Organizing •Extraversion...
we provide an economics-based approach to the relationship between the Big Five personality traits and various dimensions of sexuality. From a theoretical viewpoint, personality influences sexual well-being not only by how a person feels about sex, but also by how the person behaves in a ...
and definitions and operationalizations of this construct differ (Chiesa, 2012; Dreyfus, 2011; van Dam et al., 2017),meta-analytic investigation of its associations with the Big Five and other related traits can improve our understanding of this important attribute. The relationships between the Bi...
Definitions of the communication skills assessed by the CSPT The definitions of the basic and advanced communication skills as assessed by the CSPT are listed below. The definitions are derived fromLang and Van der Molen (2004). Basic communication skills ...
After five decades of research, an initial consensus on a general taxonomy of personality traits, the "Big Five" personality dimensions, is nowadays largely accepted. These dimensions do not represent a particular theoretical perspective but were derived from factor analyses of the natural-language ter...
Finally, the picture becomes even more nuanced when examining narrower personality traits. Although several studies have employed a facet-level analysis, Personality Aspects and Well-Being 5 we suggest that an aspect-level analysis would be dramatically more parsimonious while being sufficiently ...
Following definition and explanation of traits and characteristic adaptations in Section 3, I will return, in Section 4, to describing in more detail the mechanisms that carry out the cybernetic cycle. 3. Defining personality traits and characteristic adaptations A basic premise of CB5T is that ...
2. Do the Big 5 personality traits contribute to explaining (economic) behaviors of farmers? Eligibility criteria: We consider all studies published in the English language, which include primary empirical data from farmers and explicitly focus on the construct of the big five-personality traits and...
Personality factorsValidation of the French Big Five InventoryAfter five decades of research, an initial consensus on a general taxonomy of personality traits, the "Big Five" personality dimensions, is nowadays largely accepted. These dimensions do not represent a particular theoretical perspective but ...