2016年,BIG为我们带来了一个兼顾多种 “对立”元素的蛇型长廊: 经过严谨计算的自由曲线,量产模块营造的独特雕塑感,在透明与不透明间变换的立面,以及由方形盒子组成的曲面空间。 建筑生成过程 拉开的墙面将线条转化为表面,再把扁平的墙体转化为空间。建筑的顶部为一条直线,但在底部,却又成为了一个展馆空间,一条通...
London. The design consists of an "unzipped wall" in which a straight line of tubular fiberglass bricks at the top of the wall is split into two undulating sides, housing the program of the pavilion. For the first time, the 2016 Serpentine P...
“对立”元素的蛇型长廊| Serpentine Pavilion | BIG 2016年,BIG为我们带来了一个兼顾多种 “对立”元素的蛇型长廊: 经过严谨计算的自由曲线,量产模块营造的独特雕塑感,在透明与不透明间变换的立面,以及由方形盒子组成的曲面空间。 建筑师从一个最为基本的建筑学元素——砖墙(Brick Wall)来出发,开展这次的设计。
BIG Serpentine Pavilion 2016fromBIGonVimeo. We decided to work with one of the most basic elements of architecture: the brick wall. Rather than clay bricks or stone blocks – the wall is erected from extruded fiberglass frames stacked on top of each other. The wall is pulled apart to form...
After 15 years, the Pavilion programme has expanded. It now comprises five structures, each designed by an architect of international renown, aged between 36 and 93. The Pavilion, which will be situated on the lawn of theSerpentine Gallery, as usual, will be joined by four 25sqm Summer Hous...
ZINGVR-建筑摄影-Serpentine Pavilion 2016蛇形画廊|BIG 本项目由Bjarke Ingels设计。❀❀ 我试图用我的感受来说明这个项目。建筑本身是由细胞组成的,就像组成所有生物一样。它的构成方式是二元论 因此人们可以把它看作是光影 具体的和空心的 直线的和曲线的 2016蛇形画廊 本项目由Bjarke Ingels设计。❀❀
Every year the Serpentine Gallery commissions an Architect to design a pavilion which will sit on its lawn, greeting the hundreds of thousands of...
The Serpentine Pavilion, designed by Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG), is a soaring and curvaceous structure that returns to one of architecture’s most basic elements: the brick wall, resulting in a dramatic shift between a straight line and a three-dimensional space. The Pavilion by day houses a ...
本资料汇集BIG事务所2009年-2017年的作品方案文本,包括Transitlager Dreispita、Panda House、King's Cross Central、Serpentine Pavilion等方案设计文本共61套。戳:O网页链接#建筑设计# #建筑文本# k收起 f查看大图 m向左旋转 n向右旋转...
The Albanian capital is also now home to Sou Fujimoto's Serpentine Pavilion from 2013, which features a cloud-shaped grid of steel poles.