dunn says. the expectations that have always mattered most to biden are those of his family. beau is often on his mind, with the president wondering if he’s measuring up in his late son’s eyes. biden often calls himself “a great respecter of fate.” he understands, viscerally, that ...
In his third campaign for president, former Vice President Joe Biden -- who found his "comeback kid" moment in South Carolina on this year's primary trail -- has formally accepted the Democratic Party's nomination for president in a speech Thursday -- 33 years after he made his ...
Trump attacks Biden for inspiring loyalty in his team and advisers, saying the president has “never fired people,” continuing on to boast about how many people he’s fired himself. Not the best argument to make amid rapid contraction in many industries, such as technology and media...
'” Biden said he told Netanyahu. Biden also advised Netanyahu not to repeat the mistakes the US made in response to the terrorist attacks in New York in 2001. “Don’t make the same mistakes we made [after] 9/11. There was no reason...
The Biden Administration- apparently listening only to war hawks now, seem to be going all-in on military escalation; as if this is itself Armageddon, the ultimate battle of good v. evil. Biden himself, having a primary responsibility for destabilizing Ukraine in 2014, and facing such abysmal...
Peggy Noonan, a Republican speechwriter, describes his political style: "He likes the dance of it. He loves meeting people; he loved hugging people."The Trump portrait shows someone following his dad's advice. Roger Stone, a friend, repeats the view of Roy Cohn, a lawyer to Joe McCarthy...
Everyone on the right repeats “10% for the big guy” as if this proves something shady about Joe. But we already know that Hunter is a dirtbag who was using his last name to make money everywhere he could. And he tried to somehow involve his dad. But as far as I ca...
"This is a grave moment in America: A deadly virus is ravaging us; our jobs are evaporating; our faith in the things that bind us together is fraying, for our democracy is under assault from an incumbent more interested in himself than he is in the rest of us. Extremism,...
Asked if Biden indicated a willingness to drop the $1.9 trillion price tag, the senator told CNN: “I think he himself wants to come down and wants to work with us. I don’t know about his team.” More on yesterday’s meeting:Biden hosted Republican senators for two hours in the Oval...
In reality they are quite prepared to be criminal accomplices in putting this peabrain a heartbeat from the presidency. They have no shame basically, Graham should be ashamed of himself. Posted By: jon | September 28, 2008 at 02:27 PM Report Abuse This is a losing argument. Palin is...