He put across plainly the need for warp speed. "Our goal is to make a decade worth of advances in five years," he said. "We are not looking for incremental changes; we are looking for quantum leaps."[39] Predicting deep eventIn secret meetings, Biden was noted as more cunning than ...
having been inaugurated on January 20, 2021. He was elected to the position in2020, as a member of the Democratic Party. He has also served as the 47thVice President of the United States, from January 20, 2009 to January 20, 2017. He was elected to the position in2008and2012. ...
Not only are wages and salaries flat after adjusting for inflation, but so it net worth. I’m motivated to share this data because Ezra Klein has a column in the New York Times that examines seven reasons why Biden is in political trouble. Much of the analysis is very reasonable (Is ...
More than 1 million borrowers had their loans forgiven through the public service program during Biden's term, amounting to $74 billion. From 2017 — the year people were first eligible for the program — to 2021, 7,000 borrowers were approved for forgiveness under the program, the White H...
There is a lot of money at stake. As the First Lady of Sierra Leone notes as things stand her country gets paid $10,000 for every $100 million worth of minerals taken from her country. That is 0.0001%. This is why more and more African countries are kicking out Western oligarchs. ...
An Egyptian journalist who wrote about the purchase of the Italian villa in the name of Zelensky’s mother-in-law, worth almost $5 million, was found dead under unclear circumstances. As for the castle in the UK, these allegations are made by Ukrainian sources and still need to be verified...
His net worth was often in the negatives—in 2007, he was ranked the least wealthy senator. Today, the 78-year-old president-elect is hardly middle class anymore. According to a 2019 Forbes estimate, Biden and his wife Jill are worth $9 million, much of that accrued from speaking fees ...
400-per-child is refundable, and you must have at least $2,500 of earned income. (With refundable credits, the IRS will send you a refund check if the credit is worth more than your income tax liability.) The president wants to repeal the requirement that each qualifying child have a ...
A 2017analysisfound that to produce the same amount of electricity as one worker in the coal sector required two in the natural gas sector and 79 workers in the solar sector. One megawatt-hour of electricity generated from wind and solar is worth less than one from gas- or coal-fired powe...
It is also worth noting that QBAI is generally tangible property eligible for depreciation, such as buildings or machinery, but QBAI does not include assets that are not depreciable (such as land) nor intangible assets. As a result, the elimination of QBAI may ...