We have it in our hands, the ultimate power. The power to vote. Its the note instrument ever devised to register our will in a peaceable and productive fashion. And so we must. We must vote. We will vote. No matter how many obstacles are thrown in our way, because once America ...
Israel is a terorist state.以色列是一个恐怖主义国家 Hey,Biden. What do you say?拜登,你该如何解释?How many kids you kill today?如今你已杀死了多少的儿童} Nethanyahu you can't hide.内塔尼亚胡,你不能逃避责任 We charge you with genocide.我们谴责你搞种族灭绝。By the millions, by the b...
For trans boys, WPATH does not recommend so-called "top surgery" (the removal of breasts to masculinize the chest) before the age of 15. In addition, WPATH does not recommend "phalloplasties" (multi-stage surgical creation of a penis) for minors, due to how complex and prone to comp...
I took my first pregnancy test. And it was positive. That was the first time I was ever told, 'You have options.' I can't imagine not having a choice. But today, that's the reality for many women and girls across the country because of Donald Trump's abortion bans. He calls...
Biden apparently suffers from Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus (NPH), a form of dementia[170] with symptoms like forgetting how many grandchildren he has,[171] thinking that he is running for the Senate, not the US presidency,[172] forgetting that he is running against President Trump, not George...
The kids call Biden, too. "We have a rule, still, you know, today, that no matter where dad is, no matter what meeting he's in, if one of the kids call you have to get him out," Ashley Biden told "Today." "He's just up and answering that call," Coons added. "That sort...
Sen. Mike Rounds, R-S.D., questioned how Congress could get the debt ceiling extended in two days before funding expires. However, he said, “I’m not sure how we do that.” The process normally takes months to negotiate, and many Republicans oppose increasing th...
“Can you imagine how awesome it will be to have American astronauts plant the flag on another planet for the first time? How inspiring will that be?” The crowd went wild, chanting “Elon, Elon, Elon” mid-speech. “I love you guys,” he replied. “And let me ...
election year we are getting. It’s how Biden and his team continue to deliver it. The president has largely avoided interviews and done sporadic events on the campaign trail. That may very well change as the election gets increasingly closer. But he won’t ever again have an audienc...
“I have never known a man who has taken from his own loss and his own faith and delivered so much for the future of so many others.” Coons also praised Biden’s record during his Monday night speech. In 2020, he was the one to introduce Biden at th...