1) bidding on construction project 建设工程招标投标例句>> 2) construction project bid 建设工程招投标 1. The application of tree-like decision-making in construction project bid; 用决策树法科学的选择投标项目和投标报价,在建设工程招投标实际操作中具有广泛的适用性和可操作性。 更多例句>> ...
86 interviews with experienced contractors in the Jordanian construction field were held and their standpoints on unbalanced bidding were obtained and analyzed. The analysis reveals that front end loading and quantity error exploitation are the most widely used forms of unbalanced bidding. The main ...
Resource Center construction executive About ABC Newsletter Contact and Support Subscribe Advertising Editorial Submission Media Kit Subscribe to Our Newsletter Stay in the know with the latest industry news, technology and our weekly features. Get early access to any CE events and webinars. Submit ...
Competitive bidding on construction projects involves decision making under uncertainty where one of the greatest sources of the uncertainty for each bidder is due to the unpredictable nature of his competitors. Each bid submitted for a particular job by a contractor will be determined by a large nu...
The title of the tender contract is:: the owner:: - - - 1: the construction contract conditions, specifications, drawings and works of the above project have been studied.
1) Discussion on bidding for construction projects 谈建设工程投标例句>> 2) construction project bid 建设工程招投标 1. The application of tree-like decision-making in construction project bid; 用决策树法科学的选择投标项目和投标报价,在建设工程招投标实际操作中具有广泛的适用性和可操作性。 更多例句...
Bid or No Bid? How Contractors Should Choose Their Project Bids Deciding whether to submit a bid for a construction project is a significant decision for contractors. If they don’t bid on enough projects, they risk having less work and lower......
This research first reviews related researches in the literature, and then, based on decision factors in bidding for construction projects, tests the utility theory model for bidding under competitive environments proposed by Ahmed and Minkarah (1987). In solving for the optimum markup for a given...
In the construction industry, the contractors are faced with two critical decisions. The contractors have to decide to bid a project or not. If yes, the contractors must decide on the proper markup size for the lowest bidder with a reasonable profit. The dilemma of competitive bidding is...
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