Sample bidding document: procurement of performance-based management and maintenance of roads (output-based service contract) Problems to be Paid Attention on Commerce Portion of Procurement Bidding Document On Improving the Quality of Books Purchase:From the Aspect of Bidding Document Compilation ...
II. Time of Completion I agree to execute a Contract for the above named Project, deliver the bonds that are required by the Contract, and to start work on the Project all within the times that are detailed in the Contract documents that are drawn up in relation to the Project. Work com...
SubcontractorList,samplebiddingandcontractforms, proposedContractDocumentsasdefinedinthe GeneralConditionsandanyAddendaissuedpriorto receiptofbids,etc. Lead-in BiddingDocument BaseBidistheamountstatedontheBidFormforwhich theBidderofferstoperformtheWorkasdescribedinthe ...
6. if the successful bidder's quotation differs from the engineer's estimate of the actual cost of the contract project, the tenderee will ask the successful bidder to bear the cost himself and increase the performance guarantee letter, so that the tenderee can avoid the loss caused by the m...
provisions in the tender document, the contractors bidding for the service contracts have only given consent for the Government [...] (一) 就政府服務合約而言,根據招標文件的條款, 競 投 有關 服 務合約的承辦商 只同意政府將所獲得關於投標者定罪紀錄的資料,用於 與招標評審及合...
Payments shall be remitted to the contractor through the (Accepted Payment Methods) as detailed in this contract. The contractor shall furnish invoices to the client for all services rendered and work performed in strict adherence to the agreed-upon payment schedule (Insert Agreed Upon Schedule)....
Sample 1 Based on 1 documents SaveCopy Examples of Bidding Requirements in a sentence Bidding Documents include the Bidding Requirements and the proposed Contract Documents. The Bidding Requirements consist of the Advertisement for Bid, Invitation to Bid, Instructions to Bidders, Supplementary Instructions...
Opt-Out Form means the form through which Eligible Employees may note their decision to opt out of participation in the Program. Bidding Process means the procurement procedure under which sealed bids are invited, received, opened, examined and evaluated for the purpose of awarding a contract; ...
Contract Forms 合同格式 Forms provided by the Purchaser that the Bidder awarded the Contract must complete 购买人提供给欲被授予合同的投标人必须完成的文件 Agreement Form: sample form of contract agreement 合同书样本 Performance Security Form 履约保函 Advance Payment Security Form 预付款保函 5. ...