Bid Price指的是买入价,而Ask Price指的是卖出价。解释:1. Bid Price:Bid Price,也称为出价或竞买价,指的是投资者愿意购买某一特定金融工具的价格。在证券交易市场中,当投资者希望购买某个证券时,他们会提出一个期望的购买价格,即竞价。交易通常在此价格或更高的价格下进行。简单来说,它是...
bid price和ask price 区别: bid是指卖出外汇的价格,即我要卖出外汇,标一个价格为bid。 ask是指买入外汇的价格,即我要买入外汇,询问的得价格为ask。 bid price出价,买方报价。任何潜在的购买者愿意支付的最高价格 ask price要价,卖方报价。任何潜在出售者能够接受的最低价格...
你好,股票型基金也有 bid price 和 ask price 的情况,即买入价和卖出价。买入价是指基金公司或经纪...
Bid Price指的是投资者或交易者愿意为某个特定资产支付的价格。而Ask Price则是投资者或交易者愿意出售某个特定资产所设定的价格。两者的主要区别在于所处的交易角色和对应的操作行为不同。Bid Price Bid Price代表投资者或交易者打算购买某个资产时愿意支付的价格。换句话说,这是买方对一股股票或其他...
- bid price(买入价):通常低于ask price,买入价与卖出价之间的差价称为spread,交易者可以从中获取利润。- The bid price is $10 and the ask price is $12, resulting in a spread of $2. (买入价为10美元,卖出价为12美元,差价为2美元。)- ask price(卖出价):通常高于bid price,...
When utilizing abrokerage accountto trade in an asset such as on a stock exchange, or even on a cryptocurrency exchange, users may be exposed to two price points while watching the market and charts: thebid priceandask price. These prices sometimes appear as two prices next to each other ...
Financial - Bid Price vs Ask Price,定义BidPrice:buyer愿意出的最高价格,去购买这个债券--一般高于现在的价格AskPrice:seller愿意出的最低价格,去出售这个债券 --一般低于现在的价格...
The bid price is the highest price a buyer is willing to pay for a security or asset. A bid price is generally arrived at through a process of negotiation between the seller and a single buyer or multiple buyers. The difference between the bid price and ask price is known as the market...