The indications for surgical reconstruction, type of surgical approach, and the fixation techniques for the distal biceps tendon are areas of ongoing debate. Nonoperative treatment results in modest loss of elbow strength in supination. Primary repair of a complete distal biceps tear in acute stages...
The onset of pain and functional disability associated biceps tendon tear is generally acute, occurring after overuse or misuse of the shoulder joint, such as trying to start a recalcitrant lawn mower, practicing an overhead tennis serve, or performing an overaggressive follow-through when driving ...
QQ阅读提供常见疼痛综合征,第40节 肱二头肌远端肌腱断裂(distal biceps tendon tear)在线阅读服务,想看常见疼痛综合征最新章节,欢迎关注QQ阅读常见疼痛综合征频道,第一时间阅读常见疼痛综合征最新章节!
tendon in athletes who use overhead throwing or swinging motions can be difficult to make because there is no one physical examination finding that will confirm the diagnosis, and because magnetic resonance imaging, although sometimes helpful, does not image the length of the biceps tendon ...
can also cause the labrum to tear. When the labrum is torn, the humeral head may begin to slip up and forward within the socket. The added movement of the ball within the socket (instability) can cause damage to the nearby biceps tendon, leading to secondary biceps tendonitis. Related Docu...
Evolution in shoulder arthroscopy has brought into light painful conditions of the long head of the biceps tendon (LHBT) that need treatment [1]. In order to treat these conditions a clinician has to be able to identify them. In recent years there are numerous publications on the anatomy, ...
(SLAP) lesions and newer biomechanical studies assisted in understanding the pathogenesis and their effect on normal shoulder kinematics. Depending on the pathology, the lesions of the long head of biceps tendon can be addressed by either nonoperative treatment, or reconstructive/repair techniques, or...
tear of their tendons. This is called Impingement Syndrome (topic to be discussed later). The biceps tendon can also be injured at its attachment site on top of the glenoid. This usually involves an avulsion, where the tendon is pulled off the bone and rendered unstable. This is called a...
Acute rotator cuff tear is commonly associated with tearing of the proximal biceps tendon, but has never been reported to occur simultaneously with a distal biceps tendon rupture. A 38-year-old right-hand-dominant strongman competitor at... ...
9、Plates should not impinge on the acromion, thebicepstendon, or rotator cuff insertions.───接骨板不应该撞击肩峰、二头肌腱或肩袖止点。 10 、Talking about Igor the gym coach] And how big are hisbicepsagain?───(谈论健身教练)而且他的二头肌多大呀?