Most tears are the result of on-going, continuous strain and wear and tear on the biceps muscle and tendon. This is most commonly seen in weight and strength training and usually starts with just a simple fraying of the tendon. As the injured tendon progresses, it will eventually tear. The...
Training your biceps every day will put a great deal of stress and strain on the muscle and may mean you reach “failure” quicker than you should. Failure occurs when a muscle can no longer contract concentrically. Overworking a single muscle can have great results, but for beginners and th...
Treat a Pulled Oblique Muscle How toHeal a Pulled Trapezius Muscle How toTreat a Neck Strain How toRecover from a Strained or Pulled Muscle How toTreat a Pulled Hamstring Muscle How toTreat a Hip Flexor Strain How toHeal a Muscle Strain in the Middle of Your Back How to Treat Tech Neck...