Bicep 复制 [for (<item>, <index>) in <collection>: { ... }] 添加条件部署。 当场景为“我想要创建多个实例,但对于每个实例,我希望仅在条件为真时进行部署”时,此选项适用。有关详细信息,请参阅带条件的循环。 Bicep 复制 [for <item> in <collection>: if(<condition>) { ... }] 循环...
filterdLoop shows the numbers in an array that are greater than 5; and isEven shows the even numbers in the array.groupBygroupBy(inputArray, lambda expression)Creates an object with array values from an array, using a grouping condition.
BCP177 Error This expression is being used in the if-condition expression, which requires a value that can be calculated at the start of the deployment.{variableDependencyChainClause}{accessiblePropertiesClause} BCP178 Error This expression is being used in the for-expression, which requires a valu...
@batchSize(int)resourcemyResource8'Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts@2021-08-01'= [foriteminitems(object): {name:item.value.property1}] How to create a Resource with a loop and a condition @batchSize(int)resourcemyResource9'Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts@2021-08-01'= [foriteminarray:if(...
Look for places where you define multiple resources that are identical, or that have few differences in their properties. Then, add a variable to list the resources to create, along with the properties that differ from the other resources. The following example uses a loop to define...
When an array is used to create multiple resources in loop, there is currently no way to create a condition for this loop, causing the template to fail during deployment when an empty array is passed. On the following example: param containerNames array = [] resource containers 'Microsoft....
Bicep 复制 [for (<item>, <index>) in <collection>: { ... }] 添加条件部署。 当场景为“我想要创建多个实例,但对于每个实例,我希望仅在条件为真时进行部署”时,此选项适用。有关详细信息,请参阅带条件的循环。 Bicep 复制 [for <item> in <collection>: if(<condition>) { ... }] 循环...
Bicep 复制 [for (<item>, <index>) in <collection>: { ... }] 添加条件部署。 当场景为“我想要创建多个实例,但对于每个实例,我希望仅在条件为真时进行部署”时,此选项适用。有关详细信息,请参阅带条件的循环。 Bicep 复制 [for <item> in <collection>: if(<condition>) { ... }] 循环...
如需詳細資訊,請參閱具有條件的迴圈。 Bicep 複製 [for <item> in <collection>: if(<condition>) { ... }] 迴圈限制在Bicep 中使用迴圈有下列限制:Bicep 迴圈僅適用於可在部署開始時確定的值。 迴圈反覆運算不得為負數或超過 800 次反覆運算。 無法以巢狀的子資源來迴圈處理資源。 將子資源變更為...
BCP177 Error This expression is being used in the if-condition expression, which requires a value that can be calculated at the start of the deployment.{variableDependencyChainClause}{accessiblePropertiesClause} BCP178 Error This expression is being used in the for-expression, which requires a valu...