Azure CLI 複製 az login 若要確定您執行的是最新版本 CLI,請執行升級命令。Bash Azure PowerShell Azure CLI 複製 az upgrade 接下來,安裝或更新 CLI 的 Azure 容器應用程式延伸模組。如果您在 Azure CLI 中執行 az containerapp 命令或 Azure PowerShell 模組中的 Cmdlet A...
Azure CLI 复制 az login 为了确保运行最新版本的 CLI,请运行升级命令。Bash Azure PowerShell Azure CLI 复制 az upgrade 接下来,安装或更新适用于 CLI 的 Azure 容器应用扩展。如果在 Azure CLI 中运行 az containerapp 命令,或在 Azure PowerShell 中运行 Az.App 模块中的 cmdlet 时收到有关缺少参数的...
下面的order-processor订阅服务器应用包含一个自定义缩放规则,用于监视azure-servicebus类型的资源。 有了这条规则,应用(及其挎斗)可根据总线中待处理消息的数量按需纵向扩展和缩减。 Bicep resourceorders'Microsoft.App/containerApps@2022-03-01'= {name:'ca-orders-${resourceToken}'location:locationtags:union(tags...
Azure Microsoft.App/containerApps/patches 要在 Azure 资源管理器模板中用于部署资源的语法和属性。 API 版本最新
Footer © 2024 GitHub, Inc. Footer navigation Terms Privacy Security Status Docs Contact Manage cookies Do not share my personal information Customizing ContainerApp name with dotnet aspire and alpha.aspire.useBicepForContainerApps · Issue #4489 · Azure/azure-dev...
I am still seeing the issue. It manifests as three dialogs repeatedly popping up for the first few minutes a container is starting up, so it's frustrating to have to play whack-a-mole with them. I am on an M1, so I did try updating Docker Desktop to no effect, and then I looked...
azure openai service azure kubernetes service cluster azure key vault azure network security group azure container registry azure storage account azure jump-box virtual machine microsoft.resources/deploymentscripts : a deployment script is used to run the install-nginx-via-hel...
This article shows how to deploy an Azure Kubernetes Service(AKS) cluster and Azure OpenAI Service and how to deploy a Python chatbot that authenticates against Azure OpenAI using Azure AD workload i...
Lessons Learned In The Field For DevOps And Azure Container Apps Juan Burckhardt This post will highlight some of the challenges teams can experience while CI/CD-ing with Azure Container Apps. CSEContainers Popular topics CSEMachine LearningDevOpsISEBig DataAzure App ServicesContainersFrameworksBo...
Microsoft.App/containerApps 展开表 名字描述价值 extendedLocation 扩展位置的复杂类型。 ExtendedLocation 身份 容器应用的托管标识可以与其他 Azure 服务交互,而无需在代码中维护任何机密或凭据。 ManagedServiceIdentity 类 用于为同一类型的资源呈现不同体验的元数据;例如 WorkflowApp 是一种 Microsoft.App/ContainerAp...