BicCamera 提供免税服务及价格优惠的商品!除了相机和家用电器之外、还有隐形眼镜、药品、化妆品、手表、电脑、玩具、音响设备、高尔夫用品、体育用品、酒类(日本酒、威士忌等)各种商品,种类齐全。 设施基本信息 地址 Torie Keio Chofu Building B 1-4F, 2-48-6 Kojimacho, Chofu City, Tokyo, 182-0026 ...
BicCamera 提供免税服务及价格优惠的商品!除了相机和家用电器之外、还有隐形眼镜、药品、化妆品、手表、电脑、玩具、音响设备、高尔夫用品、体育用品、酒类(日本酒、威士忌等)各种商品,种类齐全。 设施基本信息 地址 Keio Seiseki Sakuragaoka Shopping Center Building A 6F, 1-11-1 Sekido, Tama City, Tokyo, 20...
About Bic Camera Bic Camera (TYO: 3048) is a chain of consumer electronics stores in Japan. Headquarters Location Tokyo, Japan Suggest an edit Are you an investor? Submit your portfolio details now to be considered in our investor rankings. Submit portfolio details ...
联系电话 +81-3-5579-6111 商户简介 必客BIC CAMERA是日本屈指可数的大型综合购物中心,以日本主要城市的车站为中心,在必客,照相机、电饭锅、美容家电、电脑、苹果产品、游戏机、玩具、手表、酒类、药品、化妆品、高尔夫用品等产品,应有尽有。海淘攻略 海购索引 返礼码 携程信用卡 雅典海淘 米兰海淘 巴黎海淘 伦敦...
Bic Camera必買⑦:入手RIMOWA等名牌行李箱的好機會 圖片來源:PR TIMES RIMOWA行李箱是源自德國的高端品牌,因其在日本的定價相對較低,加上匯率及可享有退稅優惠,吸引了大量旅日的消費者前往日本購買。RIMOWA的行李箱主要以鋁鎂合金和聚碳酸酯為材質,前者具備卓越的耐用性,後者則相對輕便,成為全球旅行者和名人喜愛的行...
3048 Japan: Tokyo Bic Camera Inc.+ Watchlist Closed Last Updated: Mar 12, 2025 3:30 p.m. JST Delayed quote ¥ 1,591 -3 -0.19% Previous Close ¥1,594 Toggle Chart Options Advanced Charting Range Dropdown $ % Vol Volume: 463.7K 65 Day Avg: 757.21K 61% vs Avg 1,584 ...
BicCamera is one of the best electronics stores in Japan selling a wide variety of appliances but also Nintendo Switch Games, Japanese sake, and souvenirs. In this article, we recommend 15 popular products that can be enjoyed by the entire family as well
Bic Camera is one of the biggest electronic appliance chains in Japan. Here, you can shop for basically all your electronic needs. This free e-voucher offers great discounts to not just Bic Camera, but also for its sister companies, Kojima, Sofmap, and Air Bic Camera. Don't just shop fo... 付款方式 信用卡卡 簽證 大師 美國運通 晚餐 傑西博 賽生 電子貨幣 樂天伊迪 運輸IC(Suica / PASMO等) 識別碼 銀聯卡 WAON QR支付 LINE Pay 樂天支付(應用付款) 支付寶 微信支付 支付寶 備註 消費稅免稅店(對於來日本等地的外國遊客,請向店...
Bic Camera has more than 50 branches in various popular cities in Japan, including Tokyo, Osaka, Shinjuku, Akihabara,Shibuya, Ikebukuro,Okinawa, Fukuoka, Hokkaido, etc. Check the link below for more details. ...