预约试听会,成为塞万提斯图书馆合唱队的一员吧! 试听会时间为11月22日周三晚19:00。 西班牙语水平不作为入选合唱队的条件,只要你也喜爱西班牙语文化,热衷音乐,塞万提斯图书馆合唱队欢迎你的加入! La audición seráel 22 de noviembre, miércoles, a las 19:00 h.Si estás...
Reencuéntrate con Juan Marsé en la Biblioteca Miguel de Cervantes. 在塞万提斯图书馆再次与胡安·马塞重逢吧。
BiopsyMultivariate AnalysisPredictive Value of TestsImmunoglobulin M (IgM) nephropathy is an idiopathic glomerulonephritis with mesangial hypercellularity and diffuse IgM deposits. We studied clinical presentation, morphological findings, and prognostic factors in 110 patients with IgM nephropathy wi...
Whereas such dynamics allow proving how essential practical and economic circumstances and requirements of first child's care are to make parental responsibility thinkable ex ante, they seem to prevent account...