二、安装并加载bibliometrix包 install.packages("bibliometrix", dependencies=TRUE) ### installs bibliometrix package and dependencies library(bibliometrix) ### load bibliometrix package 三、下载并导入数据 1.选择合适的文件导出格式: Bibliometrix支持来自以下几个文献数据库的文件: Web of Science Scopus Dimensio...
bibliometrixpackage provides a set of tools for quantitative research in bibliometrics and scientometrics. Bibliometrics turns the main tool of science, quantitative analysis, on itself. Essentially, bibliometrics is the application of quantitative analysis and statistics to publications such as journal articl...
* installing *source* package 'bibliometrix' ... ** 成功将'bibliometrix'程序包解包并MD5和检查 ** using staged installation ** R ** data ** inst ** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading Warning: replacing previous import 'lifecycle::last_warnings' by 'rlang::last_warnings' whe...
《Journal of Informetrics》在2017年11月刊载了一篇文章《bibliometrix: An R-tool for comprehensive science mapping analysis》,该文章介绍了一款用于文献网络分析的R包bibliometrix,相比其他文献计量的R包(如CITAN、hindexcalculator、scholar scientoText)功能方面要齐全很多,而且能够与R中其他的包相互配...
Bibliometrix is by far the most popular R package and is used in a growing number of publications Bibliometrix allows R users to import a bibliography database from SCOPUS or the Web of Science, stored either as a Bibtex (.bib) or Plain Text (.txt) file. The package has simple functions...
确认更新成功: 你可以通过运行bibliometrix包中的函数来确认更新是否成功。例如,运行以下代码来检查包的版本信息: R packageVersion("bibliometrix") 如果一切正常,你将看到bibliometrix包的最新版本号。 按照以上步骤操作后,你应该能够成功更新R语言中的bibliometrix包,并开始使用其最新版本进行文献计量分析。
Conceptual structure analysis with Bibliometrix package in R: A scientific communication of sport educationHafiar, HannyRyanto Budiana, HeruMirawati, IraHafezad Abdullah, KhairulPurnomo, EkoRetos: Nuevas Perspectivas de Educación Física, Deporte y Recreación...
I get this error for histPlot function when using Bibliometrix package in R. My data comes from Scopus. How can we fix this error? histResults <- histNetwork(M, min.citations = 1, sep = ";", network = TRUE, verbose = TRUE) net <- histPlot(histResults, n=20, labelsize = 5, ...
Methods: The bibliometric analysis was carried out using R package "bibliometrix", bibliometric online analysis platform (https://bibliometric.com/) and VOSviewer (1.6.18). Results: The leading countries that had a significant impact on... Z Yang,M Zhang,Y Guo,... - 《Psychology Research &...
The adoption of the PRISMA approach, the availability of the WoS database as supplementary material, and the workflow approach implemented using theBibliometrixR package, guarantees the reproducibility of the results obtained. The scientific activities investigated in the paper, through bibliometric citation...