A shrew is defined by Cambridge dictionary as a “a woman who is considered to be unpleasant and easily annoyed, and who argues a lot” and this is also the definition of a bitch in modern times. Most Christians today object to men ever calling a woman a bitch. But Christians of the ...
having been turned into a rather silly, conceited young woman. But there is plenty of time for her to mend, and perhaps she will get to Aslan’s country in the end—in her own way…”
The meaning of a Bible in a dream often depends on one’s religious upbringing. Can indicate insight (revealed knowledge), “good news,” tradition, or even intolerance (“Bible thumpers”). The Bible is often used metaphorically to describe authoritative publications in other realms, as in th...
ὁ has got to be one of the most flexible words in Greek. When I first saw the 85 pages Wallace commits to the article, I remembered being shocked there was that much to say. But of course there is that much to say, and Matt 28:17 is a good example. Read more Father’s “...
The Gospels all mention a woman named Mary Magdalene as one of Jesus' followers. Two of the Gospels say that Jesus cast seven demons out of her; all four of the Gospels identify her as the first of Jesus' followers to see him after his resurrection. She has also historically been identif...
First, using Proverb’s Lady Wisdom as a jumping point for women’s literacy in ancient Judah and Israel, he provides an overview of other evidence for woman scribes in the ancient Near East and the bureaucratic role of queen mothers, who likely had a degree of scribal education. Second, ...
we have specified every event known to us in her life. It is noticeable that, on every occasion of our Lord's addressing her, or speaking of her, there is a sound of reproof in his words, with the exception of the last words spoken to her from the cross. (1.) The marriage at...
I believe the words“last trumpet”tells us this event will occur at the end of times. The words“shall be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye,”really do describe what could be a Rapture – the immediate vanishing and disappearance of God’s people from the face of the ...
6For theLordgives wisdom; From His mouthcomeknowledge and understanding. . The best way to describe me is as aseeker of Him. There are two primary reasons which I have currently chosen not to identify myself by name:Continue reading→...
Dr. Martin Lloyd-Jones, who preached 232 sermons on this book to his packed-out church, said, “It is very difficult to speak of Ephesians in a controlled manner because of its greatness. Many have tried to describe it. One writer has described it as the crown and climax of Pauline ...