Discover God\'s plan for peace, joy, fulfillment & love in your marriage. Christian marriage encouragement, enrichment, & advice for married couples & engaged couples based on Biblical principles. Become a better Christian husband or wife.
6. The encouragement of industry. (See also Dwight's Theology on this topic, and Anderson, On the Domestic Constitution.) I. The idea of marriage is beautifully expressed in those words of the earliest book of the Bible: "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall...
Also abuse that breaks the marriage covenant such as a man failing to provide food and clothing or him withholding sex from his wife could justify church discipline toward such a man. In addition, a church could expel a woman who breaks her marriage covenant by systematically refusing to have ...
Providing that comforting correction and encouragement along the way takes time and intentionality, but the payoff is huge. When you provide that correction often and early in life, your children will very likely need much less correction as they mature. Rarely, a shepherd needs to use his rod...
“We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give ...
I often remember the words of Zig Ziglar as he encouraged us to realize that yesterday really ended last night and that today was a brand new day. This great motivational speaker learned and passed on to others the truth that we need to leave the past behind and search for God’s leading...
For individuals who are single and desiring to honor God with their bodies, self-stimulation, also known as masturbation, can be seen as a provision from God to manage their sexual desires while maintaining chastity before marriage. While the Bible does not explicitly mention masturbation, it offe...
John Knox has been sometimes stigmatized as a barbarian for the encouragement which he is said to have given the populace in demolishing Christian edifices where the relics of idolatry were enshrined; yet even where the excited rabble did their worst, the ivied ruin still remains to tell of a...
Tags: abortion, apologetic, archeology, atheism, Bible, biblical literacy, biblical truth, Charles Spurgeon, Christianity, David Wilkerson, Detroit, Detroit Tigers, encouragement, God's presence, God's Word, Google, Jerusalem, media, meditation, praise, pro-life, quotes, Rich Mullins, science, ...
If a real marriage can exist between two men or between two women, why can’t the high court redefine “brothers” (plural) and redefine “sisters” (plural)? In other words, why can’t the court simply say that “brothers” can minimally mean not only two males born to the same ...