Hulse EV. The nature of biblical "leprosy" and the use of alternative medical terms in modern translations of the Bible. Palest Explor Q. 1975; 107 :87–105.Hulse EV. The nature of biblical "leprosy" and the use of alternative medical terms in modern transla- tions of the Bible. The ...
biblical- in keeping with the nature of the Bible or its times or people; "biblical styles in writing"; "a beard of biblical proportions"; "biblical costumes" Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. ...
The Bible Never Calls Women “Daughters of the King” This “daughter of the king” theology (really heresy) has been taught for many years by both conservative and liberal Christian… Read More January 1, 2022 It Is a Sin for Wives to Be Jealous of Their Husbands Read More December 13...
The Gutenberg Bible is having a red-letter day: tradition holds that Johannes Gutenberg printed the first copy of the Latin Vulgate Bible on February 23, 1455, in Mainz, Germany. The Gutenberg Bible was most famous for being the first book in Western Europe to have been printed on a printi...
Effects of the Confusion Given the confusion on the correct translations, different Christian dominations also have different practices. For instance, there are groups that literally interpreted the food restrictions mentioned in the Bible and practiced those restrictions until now. The creation story is...
2.oftenbible a.A book considered authoritative in its field:the bible of French cooking. b.A document containing in-depth details about a movie or television series that writers and production staff consult in order to avoid continuity errors. ...
The word “missions,” or its singular form “mission,” appears only a few times in most English translations of the Bible, and not once was the term used in the definition given here.[3] Nevertheless, just as the word “Trinity” does not appear in the Bible, the idea ...
(seebibliothec) as the ordinary word for "the Scriptures." Figurative sense of "any authoritative book" is from 1804.Bible-thumper"strict Christian" is from 1870.Bible beltin reference to the swath of the U.S. South then dominated by fundamentalist Christians is from 1926; likely coined by...
Provides an overview of the English translations of the Bible beginning with the period from 600–1000CE. Marsden discusses Bede’s paraphrases as well as the Old English Hexateuch and Heptateuch. The majority of the chapter focuses on the Wycliffite Bible. ...
This is an excellent book with translations of the Bible from the Dead Sea Scrolls. Differences are italicized. The Dead Sea Scrolls Bible translated by Abegg, Flint, and Ulrich. Published by HaperSanFranciso, 1999. QumranQumran, eight and a half miles south of Jericho, is right near the ...