So, it is certainly conceivable that the righteous Gentiles whom Peter sees in Caesarea (or at least some of them) had been living as actually “clean” people before God for quite some time as they had continued to serve God under their law from God (Rom. 2:24-25). This indicates to...
it is serious enough that it can disqualify you from certain types of spiritual service. Even if you are the "good guy", you are "marked" in the eyes of God. I didn'
Isaiah saw angels when he encountered God (Isaiah 6:2-6). The angel Gabriel appeared to Zacharias about the birth of his son John (Luke 1:11-19). Gabriel also appeared to Mary about the birth of Jesus (Luke 1:26-38). Joseph received guidance and warnings from an angel in his dreams...
Even then, however, there were, as the warnings of that chapter show, some inconveniences attendant on this freedom, and it was a natural remedy to select men for the special function of teaching because they possessed the χάρισμα, and then gradually to confine that work to them....
What is here asserted of Samuel may mean that he extracted from the Pentateuch the recorded provision of Moses for a future monarchy, and added to it such warnings and counsels and safeguards as his inspired sagacity might suggest. Saul's first battle being so successful, and the preparations...
God instituted the sabbath observance of the Old Testament for exactly the same reason he instituted the temple, the priesthood, and the sacrifices of that particular period in history. God did this to portray to man the way of salvation and life by faith in Christ. Just as a man, in kee...
Again, God does not disappoint in His word.He readily answers our third great question of life, “What are my obligations to God?”: ·Do nothing from selfishness (Phil.2:3) ·Consider your body dead to greed, which amounts to idolatry (Col.3:5) ...
Think-God-Now exists to promote Biblical Christian Thought by offering over 600 Christian One-liners, Quotes of faith by Leaders, Clean Jokes, Links to Christian News sites, plus Thoughts and Songs by Pastor Randy and Nancy Osborn.
God has declared that ALL of mankind has fallen short of His perfect Holiness.“for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Rom 3:23. It started in garden of Eden when Adam and Eve disobeyed God and they ate from the forbidden tree. That one act of disobedience caused...
For the death of soldiers today to be a punishment from God, in the same sense as spoken of in the Old Testament, the idea conveyed would be that Jesus death on the cross was pointing to here and now. Instead of the new covenant making the old obsolete it would be the otherway aroun...