In my previous article, “A Biblical View of Respect and Reverence”, I showed that while respect and honor are synonymous in the Bible – that reverence is much more than just respect or honor. As Christians we should value (respect and honor) the institutions God has created. God has ...
Jesus Christ exhibited another fruit of the spirit – righteous anger when he fashioned cords to make a whip and beat the money changers, turned over their tables and drove them from the temple in John 2:13–17. Paul also exhibited this righteous anger when he asked the disobedient church ...
The Sound Mind Investing Handbook: A Step-By-Step Guide to Managing Your Money from a Biblical PerspectiveMany excellent books teach God's principles of finance. Perhaps one or more of them has helped you lay a strong biblical foundation for carrying out your money management responsibilities. ...
In another example, if you are an adult child of a narcissistic parent you can “create space” (i.e. – avoid) as part of managing the relationship. You have no obligation to obey them and “make them happy”, but you do need to show proper honor even while you live your own ...
SLIDES ON GOOGLE: LEARN ABOUT THE: · Coins of Biblical Jerusalem · The poor Widow’s Mite coins · The silver ‘Tribute Penny’ coin presented to Jesus Christ ...
It probably can mean both, but in view of the modern recognition of the universe as a space-matter-time continuum, it would clearly be correct to speak of either space or matter or time or all of them as having been created by the word of God. And the basic “stuff” of this ...
by Prudence and her team of professional remote viewers as presented for the London Sunday Times and HBO. This series takes the new Remote Viewer all the way through the Basic Training required to successfully remote view. Actual in-class results are shared, sessions are examined and the entire...
2. Forbids bishops to appoint their own successors; forbids to appoint another to the see during the lifetime of the actual bishop, except the latter be incapable of managing his Church. 4. Declares that no secular judge may try or condemn any priest, deacon, or other ecclesiastic, without...
The great thing about my book,A Dog Named Speed,is that it’s a true story except for the parts where Speed is not with me, alone, or with other animals. Those were imagined but very plausible. The story is told from the dog’s point of view, from heaven, as he awaits his master...
How are you managing your day, your thoughts, your diet, your exercise, your responsibilities? I admit, I just ‘did’ these things as I was caught up in the busy-ness of ‘life before’. I remember oh-so-many-times thinking, ‘If I only had a couple of unstructured days, I could...