Does the Bible say you should always take your spouse’s side? “You should always take your spouse’s side and defend them against others” – this what most Christian counselors and pastors…Read More March 20, 2024 Why you should’nt Always Be Kind To Your Wife Most people, including ...
What does the Bible say about friendship? What can the Bible teach about true friends? There are many encouraging Bible verses and quotes about friendship, loyalty, honor, and respecting others. The Bible not only also offers many quotes that teach about friendship through love and compassion, ...
Bible Verses about Fornication and Sexual Immorality Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous. ~Hebrews 13:4 Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but...
If you know danger is coming to others, and you deliberately fail to warn the others of the danger, you are guilty of harming the victims. This is not to say that you can make people heed your warning. The surrounding verses also say that if the people refuse to heed the warning of ...
commas, although written in prose and not verse, we have, for the convenience of the reader, also distinguished our new version by a new species of writing." The Chronicles, he says, he divided into members of verses (per versuum colk), in order to avoid an "inextricable forest of ...
Why do Jesus and His Disciples warn us time and again about the many temptations that Satan will throw at us? Because Jesus knows that it is difficult for us. Matthew Chapter 13 Verses 13:14 ‘Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to ...
Just because it is not the most used word in the Bible does not mean God’s Word is silent on the subject; in fact, Scripture has a lot to say about love. Some verses, like Deuteronomy 6:5 show that love requires choice and action, “You shall love the Lord your God with...
Share this: Category:PodcastsTags:alcohol,Bible,culture,decisions,drugs,gender,Halloween,homosexuality,secular,sex,sorcery,verses,witchcraft Squaring off against your Goliath 10 Bible insights that will help you gain courage and boldness to square off against a person or situation in your life that see...
pastor was unwilling to address cultural issues. You know, we need to be careful not to “push anyone away.” Her pastor’s passive stance on issues that her family is facing confused her. Her struggle deepened. After all, what good mother would push her son away with Bible verses-n-...
1 Timothy 2:13-14 are correct summary statements of Genesis 2 and Genesis 3, but these verses don’t say that men and women, in general, are pigeon-holed. In fact, verses 13-14 say nothing whatsoever about the responsibilities or roles of men and women. And they say nothing about min...