Notice also that, in verse 31, Jesus was speaking to a whole crowd of people who believed on Him. This is what Jesus said to those believers: Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but...
Lent is like a "Spiritual New Year"... did anyone make any New Year's resolutions? Lent is "resolving" and renewing your love for God. Continue reading. Prayer Journal My Prayer Journal- Each of the 24 prayer sections contain an inspirational Bible verse from Psalm 119 to meditate upon ...
and the 2nd in 2015 regarding our teaching on medical aid. Bro. Ed has for many years been the point person on this subject, and has been called on as an expert witness in court trials of parents whose children died after the parents refused to seek medical aid, and has appeared on th...
The meeting between Jesus and Zacchaeus the publican of Lk 19:1-10 helps us to understand scriptural message on spiritual and social healing that the Lord gives to "this son of Abraham". It is the discussion of forgiveness, repentance assessing what was wrong by th...
My wife and I have a long-standing tradition of giving each other only “non-monetary” Christmas gifts. Occasionally we break the rule but we want to put the focus on giving something that actually “costs us” something of ourselves. I won’t share what we have done, but here is a ...
All words that occur less than 50x in OT are listed in canonical order, verse-by-verse. $39SOLD Free shipping on all orders. If you’re interested in buying–or just have questions–you can reach me usingthis form, and we’ll go from there. ...
The Other Verse to Consider about Giving Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giv...
Psalm 34 is David’s response of gratitude to God for delivering him from this perilous situation. It serves as both a personal thanksgiving and an instructional piece, urging others to “taste and see that the Lord is good” (verse 8). David uses his experience to emphasize themes of God...
Butler had to backtrack on his premise – he does not call sexual penetration giving when it is rape – he calls it taking. The very same activity can’t be calledgivingwhen it is wanted andtakingwhen it is not. When the topic is prostitution, he backtracks on his analogy too: He ...
What I want you to do is to try to read those verses in Hebrew, from your sheet, on your own first. Read them aloud as best you can and try to understand as much as you can. There are two words in verse three that you wouldn’t know yet, but you might be able to guess what...