Whether you’re seeking the perfect sentiment for a birthday card or a heartfelt message for a birthday gift inscription, we’ve got you covered. Each birthday wish is accompanied by a relevant Bible verse and a touching message. If you’re specifically interested in Bible verses or other Chr...
“Then the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples had assembled for fear of the Jews, came Jesus and stood in the midst, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you.” This verse is describing an event that was supposed to ...
Herod the Great kept the day of his accession; Antipas-as we read here-and Agrippa I, as Josephus tells us (Ant. 19:7, 1), their birthday, with such magnificence that the "birthdays of Herod" (Herodis dies) had passed into a proverb when Persius wrote (Sat. 5, 180). SEE ...
Most Christians celebrate Christmas (Jesus birthday) on December 25th. Is there evidence to conclude that it is actually the birth date of Jesus? Is the birth date of Jesus in December? Early in the fourth century, Church leaders decided they needed a... ...
We love the memory verse songs from Seeds Family Worship. They are fantastic at getting scripture into your memory, where they will stay for good. They’re supposed to be for children, but we all know the adults need them just as much. I remember driving up the M1 singingJoywith my hus...
This methurgeman had to interpret into Chaldee or into any other vernacular of the country a verse at a time when the lesson from the law was read, as the reader was obliged to pause as soon as he finished the reading of a verse in Hebrew, and was not allowed to begin the next ...
The final step comes in verse 28, the middle of verse 28, "God gave them over to a depraved mind."Now the version of the Bible you have, I'm reading the New American Standard, might have a different translation for depraved, so let me tell you what the word means...non-functional...
Joseph's first dream had a terrestrial interpretation which was seen in Genesis 45: 8 & 26, where the same Hebrew word used in verse 8, for "dominion" (maschal), is used with an immediate application to Joseph's political position as "ruler throughout all the land of Egypt." This was...
(Though I should mention this is inconsistent with a literal reading of the verse below.) As for the devil’s role in Hell when it “opens for business” so to speak… To humorously understate matters, Revelation’s predictions don’t bode well for him: [F]ire came down from heaven ...
A single verse contains all that we know of John's history for a space of thirty years, the whole period which elapsed between his birth and the commencement of his public ministry: "The child grew and waxed strong in the spirit, and was in the deserts till the day of his showing ...