Women are made by God with a need for male headship. When a woman has no father or even if…Read More April 12, 2023 Enduring and Overcoming the Trials and Temptations of Singleness Singleness is not a gift, but rather it is a series of trials that God calls all men and women…Rea...
6 For if the woman be not covered, let her also be shorn: but if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered.” Some Christians misuse the phrase “If it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered” to claim that this applies ...
Delilah.This name means “delicate” in Hebrew and can be shortened to the fresh and whimsical Lila. In the Old Testament, Delilah was the lover of the great Samson. Today, this recognizable name is popular due to its connotation of women’s strength. Elizabeth.The name Elizabeth means “Go...
Thus, these biblical terms serve as a how-to guide for kavanah in prayer. Rabbi Avi Weiss, sun-sentinel.com, 8 Nov. 2021 Slavery is at the heart of a crucial biblical tale: the story of Moses. Time, 1 Sep. 2021 The site is the holiest site in Judaism, home to the ancient bi...
Weekly Strength 2.09: The Nature of God — Power No matter how many miracles Jesus performed, the people around him -- religious leaders, ordinary people, and even his closest followers -- kept asking him for another sign that he was the Messiah. So he gave them one. One that they didn...
Julius and the others did not seem to look upon Paul in religious or spiritual terms, but only in terms of practical and proven ability and knowledge.Paul did not have a formal position as "leader," but was rather a functional leader. Paul was a leader here because people followed him. ...
Woman Of Strength Watch Night New Beginning Browse All Sermon Topics Sermon Illustrations New-Year New Year Christmas New-Years Hope Finish-Well Romans Grace Beginnings God-S-Provision Browse All Sermon Illustration Topics Browse All Trending Sermons ...
strength. This position determines our existence. Nevertheless, the message of reconciliation focuses above all on people and their relationship to God. The way of reconciliation through Christ’s death and resurrection is also determined by that relationship and can be explained only in terms of it...
Susan sees Narnia and Aslan as fiction, as just a game. In Christian terms, she became an unbeliever. Lewis, as an ex-atheist Christian convert who wrote this book as Christian allegory, can identify with Susan here. “Oh Susan!” said Jill. “She’s interested in nothing nowadays except...
A woman who only has sex with her husband on her terms (when and how she wants it) will fail to ravish her husband. This may bring some satisfaction for the husband, but it will never bring sexual intoxication or total satisfaction. My point here is that whether it is the husband hav...