TEACHING MINISTRY. Sound biblical ministry teachings from the King James Version of the Bible can be found at TeachingMinistry.com. These anointed ministry teachings from the Bible are located in our bible teaching directory and will help disciples of Je
and the 2nd in 2015 regarding our teaching on medical aid. Bro. Ed has for many years been the point person on this subject, and has been called on as an expert witness in court trials of parents whose children died after the parents refused to seek medical aid, and has appeared on th...
The complete new birth was one of water and Spirit! But the “cleansing” of these Gentile hearts at Caesarea did not take place at the time of Peter’s sermon there. And it was not contemporaneous with their baptism in Spirit or in water. Remember, the “cleansing” had taken place ...
Holy Spirit or Hand of the Lord. A comprehensive Holy Spirit baptism Bible study and Christian teaching on the Holy Spirit is just one of many biblical teachings and Bible studies which can be found at Christ-Centered Mall.
It is the beginning of baptismal regeneration, resulting from their interpretation of Joh 3:5, "Except a man be, born of water and of the Spirit," and Tit 3:5, "the washing of regeneration." So inseparably associated with regeneration had baptism become; that the word regeneration almost...
The Lord had in the mean time attended two feasts of the Passover, and had twice made a circuit throughout Galilee, teaching and working miracles. His fame had spread, and crowds came pressing round him, so that he had not even time "to eat bread." Mary was still living with her ...
Categories:ChristianityTags:infant Baptism Traditional Teaching That Is Harming Men I apologize in advance that this post is heavy on statistics. They were necessary to illustrate the point. Try to drink some caffeinated beverages before beginning. ...
Mr Baptist: Well there’s a few things I need to say about that. First off the verse you cite in Colossians isn’t about water baptism at all it’s about being born again, the thing water baptism is only symbolic of. Secondly, Peter actually says the water isn’t what saves you if...
On the same subject—the “anointing”—Johnson continues: The word anointing means “to smear.” The Holy Spirit is the oil of God that was smeared all over Jesus at His water baptism. The name Jesus Christ implies that Jesus is the One smeared with the Holy Spirit. ...
(See above for DOCTRINAL TEACHING on the role of the “elder.”) Shepherd the flock of God among you. – 5:2 First, then, elders are exhorted to “shepherd the flock of God among you.” Notice that these sheep in the local church do not belong to the elder but are part of the ...