by Jerry Robinson | Academy, Biblical Studies, New Testament, Prophecy We are surrounded by false teachers in these last days. Learn the hallmarks of false teachers in this insightful teaching with Jerry Robinson. The New Testament warns that our age will be marked by a surge in false teaching...
TEACHING MINISTRY. Sound biblical ministry teachings from the King James Version of the Bible can be found at These anointed ministry teachings from the Bible are located in our bible teaching directory and will help disciples of Je
18. Let us pray for the alarming trends of countless extreme and even un-Biblical teaching, especially in the impoverished areas. 求神特别记念一些偏远贫困地区的人,让他们有机会听到纯正的福音,并赐信徒分辨的智慧,能以真理抵挡违反圣经的歪道。
Holy Spirit or Hand of the Lord. A comprehensive Holy Spirit baptism Bible study and Christian teaching on the Holy Spirit is just one of many biblical teachings and Bible studies which can be found at Christ-Centered Mall.
Replacement Theology is Abhorrent and False Teaching The Church did not replace Israel. Israel is Israel. The Church is the Body of Christ. 24NYT, a Danish news service, reported on Sunday that the Danish Bible Society just published a revised translation of the New... read more United Nati...
Some additional insight into the teaching of 1 Corinthians 13:12 can be had by studying what the rest of the Bible says about these things. Enjoy the cross reference Bible study from this newly updated and expanded Ultimate Cross Reference Treasury: 1 Corinthians 13:12 now. Gr. arti (S# ...
69). In Matson’s second affirmative on Monday night, he referred to the New Testament teaching on hell (Warren-Matson Debate, p. 38). And while Warren defended God’s infinite love and justice, Matson denied that God’s love could be harmonized with God’s allowing a person to suffer ...
The Lord had in the mean time attended two feasts of the Passover, and had twice made a circuit throughout Galilee, teaching and working miracles. His fame had spread, and crowds came pressing round him, so that he had not even time "to eat bread." Mary was still living with her ...
Sam A. Smith is a graduate of LeTourneau College (now LeTourneau University), and holds graduate degrees from Columbia Biblical Seminary, Liberty University, and Dallas Theological Seminary. He has been been involved in various aspects of Bible teaching for over forty-five years. ...
Recognized as the sacred (“divinely inspired”) book of the Christian Church, the Bible determined the form of expression of thought throughout the Middle Ages. The biblical cosmogony, social teaching, and ethics were upheld by the church as the indisputable norm and were utilized in the inter...