Accedis enim ante illud aureum humanae reconciliationis altare, non solum regnans sed imperans, domina non ancilla." Under such teaching as this we need not wonder at the extent to which her cultus went. "From that time," says Dr. Schaff,' "numerous churches and altars were dedicated to ...
Those called '"dolmnens" consist of a huge more or less flattened rock, resting on stones planted upright in the ground-the supposed stone-altars of the Gauls. Sometimes a series of massive slabs rests on two lines of upright stones, so arranged as to form a covered passage. In other...
failing to compare scriptures with scriptures. It is no wonder that non-believers sometimes mock Christianity. There are so many denominations and branches of churches out there, teaching different viewpoints and are
The familiar metaphor equates knowledge with light but to the ancients, the hydrological cycle (rain, rivers, sea and evaporation) held a similar and equally valid meaning, namely that of the conveyance of instructions, or the joint act of someone teaching and someone else learning from an inst...
But for the Church to be the pinnacle and foundation of truth, she must be protected from teaching error, or infallible. She also must be the Catholic Church, whose teachings on faith and morals have not changed for 2,000 years. God loves us so much that He gave us a Church that in...
Selectivity (emphasis is on teaching through extended influence (spending time on something)) - soap operas influence, so does the Bible. Genesis 43:3-10 (statement by Judah) is an example because Moses used many words rather than a short sentence. 2. Highlighting (emphasis through concise ...
25 And thus the secrets of his heart are revealed; and so, falling down onhisface, he will worship God and report that God is truly among you. 26 How is it then, brethren? Whenever you come together, each of you has a psalm, has a teaching, has a word in Hebrew, has a revelati...
to participate in eternal salvation.” - Infallible Teaching of the Catholic Church from the Council of Florence ”When Moses smote the rock, he did not create the spring of water; he revealed it to the people, because occult science had made it known to himself by means of the divining ...
failing to compare scriptures with scriptures. It is no wonder that non-believers sometimes mock Christianity. There are so many denominations and branches of churches out there, teaching different viewpoints and are convinced that the are the only “true church.” There is a lot of confusion out...