Rachel, Rebecca, Reuben, Ruth, Salome, Samson, Samuel, Sarah, Saul, Seth, Shadrach, Shem, Simeon, Simon, Solomon, Susanna, Tetragrammaton, ThaddeusorThadeus, Thomas, Tobit, Tubal-cain, Uriah, Virgin Mary, Zacharias, Zachariah,orZachary, Zebedee, Zebulun, Zechariah, Zedekiah, Zephaniah, Zilpah...
A name of Hebrew origin for someone who is shy or reticent. A Simeoni city and Rachel’s handmaid are both referenced in the Bible, as is the fact that she was Jacob’s personal concubine and the mother of Naphtali and Dan. 20. Chloe “Green herb” is translated from Greek. Chloe wa...
The name meaning is sad, but Leah remains a powerful figure in biblical accounts. Leah had a sad story as the unloved wife of Jacob, who preferred her younger sister, Rachel. According to the Old Testament, Jacob loved Rachel but was tricked by his father-in-law into marrying Leah, the...
In the Old Testament,Leah was Jacob's first wifeand bore him seven children. Jacob also had a second wife, Rachel, who was Leah's younger sister. A contemporary and fictional variation is Princess Leia of the "Star Wars" movies, who was portrayed by the late actress Carrie Fisher. #34....
In the Old Testament,Leah was Jacob's first wifeand bore him seven children. Jacob also had a second wife, Rachel, who was Leah's younger sister. A contemporary and fictional variation is Princess Leia of the "Star Wars" movies, who was portrayed by the late actress Carrie Fisher. ...
Rachel.Meaning “ewe” in Hebrew, the name Rachel has been around for millennia. You might relate the name to the beauty and gentleness of the biblical Rachel, another wife of Jacob and sister of Leah. For a lovely twist on this classic name, try itsSpanish baby girl nameequivalent: Raque...
Jacob had a great desire for Rachel, but was tricked into marrying her sister Leah first, which left Leah in the sad position of being the least favored of the two wives. God had mercy on Leah by closing Rachel's womb and opening Leah's womb, so that Leah would bear many children an...
Choosing a biblical name for your daughter automatically confers a measure ofhistory and meaningto the name. Do be sure to read the full story of the figure from the Bible whose name you are considering for your child, to be sure that it's consistent with the message you are trying to ...
In Genesis we are told that Jacob and Rachel fell in love, but that, in an act of cruel, casual patriarchy, Rachel’s father Laban substituted his elder daughter Leah for Rachel at the wedding. Laban’s response to Jacob’s outrage is that he can always have Rachel as his second, less...
The Old Testament's Elijah was awho could. When he died, he was taken to heaven in a horse-drawn chariot of fire, as described in the. The name was used in the Middle Ages, died out, and was later brought back into use by the Puritans. Variations includeEliasandIlya. ...