Twitter Google Share on Facebook postbiblical (ˌpəʊstˈbɪblɪkəl) adj occurring after the events written about in the Bible, occurring after the Bible was written Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, ...
Isaac, Isaiah, Ishmael, Issachar, Jacob, Jael, James, Japheth, Jehoshaphat, Jehu, JephthahorJephte, Jeremiah, Jeroboam, Jesse, Jesus Christ, Jethro, Jezebel, Joab, Job, Joel, John, John the Baptist, JonahorJonas, Jonathan, Joseph, Joshua, Josiah, Jubal, Judah, Judas Iscariot, Jude, Judith...
Ishmael – Name meaning “God listens.” The biblical Ishmael was the first son of Abraham with his wife’s slave, Hagar. He’s considered a prophet in Islam. Israel – Prince of God Issachar – Name meaning “there is reward”
2:205 ]. It is proper to note this here, because the parable which describes Lazarus in Abraham's bosom has been supposed to contain a latent allusion to the name of Eliezer, whom, before the birth of Ishmael and Isaac, Abraham regarded as his heir [see Geiger, in the Jüd. Zeitschr...
derived from “Ha-Agar,” which means this is the reward. The servant of Sarah with the same name was later given to Abraham so that he may continue his lineage and have a child to call his own. Ishmael was a renowned figure in Islam and one of the prophets Muhammad’s great forebea...
to which Mohammed himself adhered in the early period of his prophetic mission; and, secondly, on account of the sacred places and relics in Mecca of which he (Abraham) is called the thunder; and, thirdly and finally, because he was the father of Ishmael, from whom Mohammed and his race...
(actually the name of the ancient eastern province of the Arabian Peninsula, which included the port of Bahrain) who became the mother of Ishmael and the matriarch of this tribal confederation from the Arabian Peninsula. The Arab Abrhm settled in Hebron, a town associated with copper miners, ...
For example, theMekhilta de-Rabbi Yishmael distinguishes between divine speech at Sinai and statements in the rest of the Torah:“All these words”(Exod. 20:1): Scripture hereby teaches that God spoke the Decalogue with one utterance—something impossible for creatures of flesh and blood—for ...
That one of these four towers which occupied the northeast corner of the court of Antonia we are inclined to identify with the ancient Tower of Ishmael, between the tower of Meah and the Fish gate (Ne 3:1,3; Ne 12:39), and at the most northeastern point of the city (Jer 31:38,...
Nahor remained in Mesopotamia, but his family is briefly enumerated (Ge 22:20-24), chiefly, no doubt, for Rebekah's sake, who was afterwards the wife of Isaac. Of Abraham's own children, there branches off first the line of Ishmael (Ge 21:9, etc.), and next the children by ...