2.Peter was not by nature rock-like; he was, on the contrary, characteristically impulsive and unstable. There must be, therefore, some other significance in the words 'Thou art a rock' which the Roman Catholic interpretation loses.
INCLUSIVE AND EXCLUSIVE. To understand the significance of this, we need to see thatHis peopleis both inclusive and exclusive. It is inclusive because Jesus came to saveall of His people. Every single member of the group called “His people” is saved by the finished work of Jesus on the ...
(1) that Cush (Ethiopia) has a fixed geographical meaning, though of wide extent, and that hence every effort to give it an entirely new and special significance in this place, as is done by Clericus, Reland, Michaelis, and others, is exceedingly forced. ...
This is the significance of the tree of knowledge of good and evil (Gen. 2:17). This provided man an opportunity for definite pure positive law choice in the expression of his free will. The punishment for the violation of the prohibition regarding the tree shows us that God considered ...
THE LORD/ALLAH IS THE DEVIL/SATAN, THE EXOTERIC DEITY OF FREEMASONSThe end-times religious cult leaders are so excited about the meaning of 666 as it relates to the famous verse in the Apocalypse or Book of “Revelation.” So what is the significance of 666? Is it a bar code? Is it...
would not prove that the Greeks received them from the Phoenicians, as the Phoenicians might possibly have received them from the Greeks; but which, viewed in conniection with Greek traditions on the subject, and with the significance of the letters in Hebrew, seems reasonably conclusive that the...
III. Hebrew Symbolical Significance of Colors. Throughout antiquity color occupied an important place in the symbology both of sentiment and of worship. Of the analogies on which these symbolical meanings were founded, some lie on the surface, while others are more recondite. Thus white was ...
Of equal significance for him, and therefore treated by him with great predilection, is Abraham, first, because of his simple doctrines, to which Mohammed himself adhered in the early period of his prophetic mission; and, secondly, on account of the sacred places and relics in Mecca of which...
no means exhaust the subject, i.e., the engagement of contemporary poetry written in Russian with the literary and religious tradition of the Bible, they provide a representative variety of approaches and vouch for the significance if this engagement and the considerable variety of approaches to ...