Gen. 1:14: "signs"- indicate first, the significance of the work wrought, and second, someone significant to come.1 In context, the "work wrought" is God's re-ordering of creation in the Second Heaven and Earth, repairing the damage which was inflicted on the First Heaven and Earth as...
1. Significance. — The word altar is used, figuratively, to denote the Lord's table, not, however, in a sacrificial sense. As there is but the one sacrificing priest, the Lord Jesus, and the one propitiatory sacrifice, namely, the sacrifice of himself, so there is but the one altar...
There must be, therefore, some other significance in the words 'Thou art a rock' which the Roman Catholic interpretation loses. 3. Neither he nor the other disciples understood that Christ invested him with any such authority and position. He did not occupy any such place in the Church ...
Comparative study of the temples’ plant ecology and biogeography, in relation to modern local flora of the site’s vicinity and of neighboring biogeographic regions. These data enable us to address the significance of different natural habitats, geographical distances, as well as vectors of connectio...
The Hebrew name Dinah simply alludes to a person being judged. In the Old Testament, Dinah was the daughter of Leah and Jacob. Despite the possible negative connotation, the biblical significance of the name stretches back to that time. However, there is little mention of Dinah in other bibl...
“King Herod’s Temple stood in Jerusalem as a masterpiece of ancient architecture, symbolizing the faith and devotion of its time. Understanding the significance of its location, history, and intricate design can deepen one’s reverence for this sacred site” ...
How many such an Elijah stands a ghostly sentinel by the door of that house whose stones have been hewn and polished and piled by illicit gain! How many an Elijah mounts on the back of the modern chariot, horsed and harnessed, pillowed and cushioned and liveried with the amassings of ...
In the setting you will be reminded of the events occurring in history at the time of the book, which helps give perspective to what you will be reading in the Bible. In the summary you will notice the overarching themes to look for while you read. And in the significance you will disc...
significance were attached to the old name. The word Gilgal means a "circle," and also a "rolling away." A similar play upon a word was noticed in the case of GILEAD SEE GILEAD ; and Bethel is an example of an old name having attached to it a new significance (Ge 28:19; Ge 35...
But, from the beginning to the end of the Hebrew monarchy, a living real significance was attached to consecration by this holy anointing oil. From well-known anecdotes related of David-and, perhaps, from words in his lamentation over Saul and Jonathan (2Sa 1:21)-it results that a ...