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The second question, which has even deeper meaning and future impact on our nation, is what is the significance of the bullet striking and drawing blood from president Trump’s right ear? For answers to these questions, and many more, we need to turn to God in prayer and turn to His Wo...
Of equal significance for him, and therefore treated by him with great predilection, is Abraham, first, because of his simple doctrines, to which Mohammed himself adhered in the early period of his prophetic mission; and, secondly, on account of the sacred places and relics in Mecca of which...
Beyond its religious significance, a myriad of arguments support its authenticity, ranging from internal consistencies to external evidences. In this blog post, we delve into these reasons and explore why many believe in the truth of the Book of Mormon. ### Historical Consistency and Complexity On...
Gen. 1:14: "signs"- indicate first, the significance of the work wrought, and second, someone significant to come.1 In context, the "work wrought" is God's re-ordering of creation in the Second Heaven and Earth, repairing the damage which was inflicted on the First Heaven and Earth as...
This chapter discovers signs that Joseph was destined to fill an important place in the history of the kingdom of God. This was now the time of his trial and preparation for his great calling as the ruler of the Egyptians, the deliverer of his nation. Some of the indications of his high...
The Hebrew name Dinah simply alludes to a person being judged. In the Old Testament, Dinah was the daughter of Leah and Jacob. Despite the possible negative connotation, the biblical significance of the name stretches back to that time. However, there is little mention of Dinah in other bibl...
He is alleged to have been the disciple of Thales, of the Milesian Anaximander, and of the Cretan Epimenides, who is even a more shadowy personage than himself. The true significance of this combination of names may probably be found in the disposition of later times to regard Pythagoras ...
It should be a simple job, right up your alley. He hands over a check, and you glance at the number. All those zeroes. This one job will keep your new business out of the red for months. You slide the check into your purse and shake your client’s hand, still reveling in the ...
Application: The Significance of Passover for Gentile believers Today We have seen from the Scriptures that “all” of the Children of Israel have been commanded to keep, and observe the Passover, as well as the appointed times and Sabbaths of Yahuweh. ...