The second question, which has even deeper meaning and future impact on our nation, is what is the significance of the bullet striking and drawing blood from president Trump’s right ear? For answers to these questions, and many more, we need to turn to God in prayer and turn to His Wo...
The significance of the cedar, the scarlet, and the hyssop, of the running water, and of the "alive (full of life) and clean" condition of the birds, is the same as in the case previously described. The two stages of the proceedings indicated, the first, which took place outside the...
we enter an area that requires cultural re-calibration. As you read through the Old and New Testaments, it's very clear that real blood, from animals as well as humans, has a significance not recognized in modern American culture. We
The significance of this is that contrary to some current thinking, biblical women may have had more of a secure sense of self that those in Greek society. An example of this can be seen in the respective Greek and Hebrew words for the female uterus. The Greek term is hystera, implying...
While the authors discussed in this article by no means exhaust the subject, i.e., the engagement of contemporary poetry written in Russian with the literary and religious tradition of the Bible, they provide a representative variety of approaches and vouch for the significance if this engagement...