Explore the miraculous birth of Samuel in 1 Samuel 1 and discover how God listens to prayer, works through brokenness, and fulfills His sovereign plan. This Christmas Bible study offers hope, encouragement, and practical lessons on trusting God in difficult seasons. ...
There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens ~ Ecclesiastes 3:1 Biblical Day Biblical Week Biblical Seasons Biblical Year Want more? About me – Melissa Junior year of high school. I’m sitting on a hotel bed in Indianapolis, surrounded by my club tra...
12 common reasons we get stuck during seasons of change and how to regain joy and peace to become resilient. Sarah & Debbie Share this: Facebook Pinterest Category:PodcastsTags:Bible,challange,changes,difficult,divorce,healing,heartbreak,how to,joy,marriage,overcome,peace,resilience,season Learn 9 ...
Biblical Conspiraciesis a four-part series that uses history and forensic science to investigate real-life mysteries. At the heart of each episode is a genuine, undisputed artefact to be decoded. Whether it’s a recently discovered artefact or one that’s been famously studied by scholars, the...
Thus we find the cycle of the tree of life, to flower, to fruit, to seed, returning to the tree once again. The pattern of Life in Creation from the Hand of the Creator lies at the foundation of the principles of Natural Law ruling our world. We also find the ubiquity of the phi...
Our kids need their parents.They don’t need the government or the school system to teach them about the big things in life, they need their parents. And parents? Today’s parents need the wisdom of Solomon. They need the wisdom that comes straight from God Himself. ...
Like the Greeks, and after them the Romans, the Phoenicians also deified certain natural phenomena and "elements" (sun, moon, stars, water, fire, earth, air), personal attributes, abstract ideas, allegories, the seasons of life, of the year, of the day, trades and professions, and even ...
One year after Stevens’s epic of the life of Christ, legendary filmmaker and character actor John Huston tackled the Bible by going back to its beginning, literally, in an epic retelling of the book of Genesis. Known for directing such classic films asThe Maltese Falcon,The Treasure of the...
The origins of chronobiology go back to the very beginning of life on this planet. Living matter and the evolving organisms were exposed to the earth's revolution around the sun with its periodicity of day and night, of light and darkness, with the periodic changes in the length of the ...
The Bible emphasizes city life. Archaeology, in contrast, can help us to better understand the life of most Israelites, who lived in rural settings, and supplies a better understanding of what daily life was like. | Prof. Oded Borowski