I love how deep you dive into the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures and how you base everything you believe on the Bible, the whole Bible and not just the parts people like. I also love how you dissect and tear apart liberal, socialist and secularist arguments against the Bible. With that said...
The best course of action is to begin capturing some of the ideas and insights that you receive while Bible reading in a journal and seek to do that on a consistent basis. The goal is to increase your love of the Scriptures by developing the discipline of journaling. Soli Deo gloria ...
scriptures to help with victims of narcissist satan is a narracist why don’t narcissist listen to reproof? bible and narcissistic parent traits of a contentious woman narcissism poor judgement what does the bible say about narcissism arabic word for scorner in proverbs 9:7 ...
but by the word they did not mean the "gratia proeveniens" or "preparans," the divine influences going before and producing by an irresistible power the first motions of the soul towards goodness, but only the outward revelation made by God to man in the Scriptures, and also those moral...
memorizing scripture. I still haven’t memorized as much as I would like, but I’ve memorized some verses that have incredibly deep meaning to me. They feel like weapons I can recite over and over when I’m attacked in the night. I cling to these scriptures and keep them ready at all...
Sadly, many babes in Christ become fat and lazy on the milk because they depend on others to feed them a full spiritual diet, even after many years of hearing the Word. These immature Christians neglect to study the Scriptures for themselves and, as a result, are in danger offalling away...
Sadly, many babes in Christ become fat and lazy on the milk because they depend on others to feed them a full spiritual diet, even after many years of hearing the Word. These immature Christians neglect to study the Scriptures for themselves and, as a result, are in danger offalling away...
Sadly, many babes in Christ become fat and lazy on the milk because they depend on others to feed them a full spiritual diet, even after many years of hearing the Word. These immature Christians neglect to study the Scriptures for themselves and, as a result, are in danger offalling away...
Sadly, many babes in Christ become fat and lazy on the milk because they depend on others to feed them a full spiritual diet, even after many years of hearing the Word. These immature Christians neglect to study the Scriptures for themselves and, as a result, are in danger offalling away...
Sadly, many babes in Christ become fat and lazy on the milk because they depend on others to feed them a full spiritual diet, even after many years of hearing the Word. These immature Christians neglect to study the Scriptures for themselves and, as a result, are in danger offalling away...