Louis, a messianic believer in Jesus, brings his Jewish roots to the Scriptures and incorporates the Jewish background of Christianity into his teachings. The messages you’ll hear on Scripture Solutions are timely, practical and bring the Bible to life. In addition, Louis is committed to provid...
Otjiherero Version of the Scriptures Otolengo, Samuel Ben-david Ben-jechiel, of Casale Otoole (or Tuathal), Laurence Otshirbani Ott, Johann Baptist Ott, Johann Heinrich Ottaviani, Carlo Ottaviani, Giovanni Ottensosser, David Otter, William, Dd Otterbein, Philip William Otterson, James Otther...
Libertarian Christianity calls us to live out the teachings of Jesus while respecting the freedom and diversity of those around us. By focusing on personal obedience and bearing witness through our actions, we can better reflect the love of Christ in a pluralistic society. In doing so, we honor...
He is trying to justify the existence and even the essentiality of a superstructure that is built on a foundation that is itself unauthorized by the New Testament. The Scriptures do not authorize competing religions. The Lord established only one church, and there has always been only one way ...
Scriptures on this subject into a formal denial of the possibility of a future life, and have furthermore fortified their positions by selecting some passages of the Old Testament that are rather obscure, e.g. Ec 3:19 sq.; Isa 38:18; Ps 6:6; Ps 30:10; Ps 88:11; Ps 115:17; ...
of the whole Scriptures on the subject. “Missionaries” in the contemporary usage seems to describe thenatures of the ministry and not the ministry offices in themselves. In this view, “missionaries” are not synonymous with present-day “apostles” or vice versa. ...
This dishonest take on James 3:1 by "the pastor" shows just how desperate these guys can be. They have absolutely nothing in scripture to support their way of doing church, so they twist whatever scriptures they can to promote their agenda of silencing the other men in the church. "And ...
The recent controversies concerning the idea and nature of the Church all revolve about the one point, viz., whether the Church of which Christ is the "Head" is, or is not, a visible corporation here on earth, entitled to the promises, privileges, and authority which the Scriptures assign...
While the statement "Jesus is the Christ" is thus materially equivalent to the statement "all that is said of the Great Deliverer in the Old Testament Scriptures is true of Him," it brings more directly before our mind those truths respecting him which the appellation "the Anointed One" ...
But what about the scriptures on this? Everything in the Bible, from the Old Testament, to the rich man and Lazarus, to the Judgement Scene: the sin of omission is held forth as what sends people to hell. God knew that people would try to hide behind omission as being different from ...